Corn Snake or Bearded Dragon


New Member
I spend hours on the computer searching what would be better for me to buy,corn snake or a bearded dragon?
I'm a begginer in reptiles,my chameleon died after 6 months.I'm trying to look for something easy to have.I always loved snakes though I never forget about lizards.
Does anyone have idea what should i buy? and why?
Crested geckos. Oh wait! That's not a choice..

Go with a bearded. Corn snakes are little escape artists.
I would say go with a bearded dragon as well!! They are fun to watch.

Snakes on the other hand loves to hide and is a VERY easy reptile to take care for.

Bearded dragon > cornsnake. :D
Either would be an excellent choice, however a beardy will still require more care and attention than the corn snake. Keep in mind that snakes, though they require less attention, food cleaning, still need correct conditions in which to live.
Make a choice then research care.
Snakes dont ever love to be handled, though many species will tolerate it well.
Beardys dont seem to mind and are quite placid once they settle and get used to it.

Your choice will depend largely on two factors
1. initiall setup cost and maintanance
2. what you expect from your pet

I'm a begginer in reptiles

I'm trying to look for something easy to have

Then don't get a Beardie. They eat a ridiculous amount of food, poop often, and require a bit of money up front.

I've had both corn snakes (among other colubrids) and bearded dragons. So, if you're new to this, and want something easy, then I say go with a corn snake.
In captivity its more the keepers doing than the lizards desire. They are also natural 'opportunist' and too easily overfed.

Well sadly thats true with any pet. But ask any Beardie owner, they require alot of food, especially the younger dragon.
Snakes just lay there n stick their tongue out...

Bearded dragons actually have some personality to them. Go for one of those.
They do eat like horses for the beginning portion of there lives, but once they slow on growth they don't eat too much. I have had both snakes and beardeds. Personally, I like beardeds better. It is nothing against snakes at all. I have had corns, pythons and boas, but beardeds interact so well for a lizard. They love attention, when they see you come into the room all the heads go up and they will start scratching at the door to get attention. They watch you, will watch tv. etc. If you cant have a dog they are the next best thing :p;)
beardies have more personality, but are less forgiving to conditions IME
I have a corn snake for 6~ years and love it, just need heat pad, water dish, fed every couple weeks~ cleaned once a month (more often is always better)
I would go with a beardie. They have personaility and are fun to watch. I would keep them on newspaper instead of any bedding and clean the cage daily. I've kept beardies for 15 years, and while they are a lot of work they are well worth it.
I currently have both...
corn snakes were actually my first reptile a while back and they are just really chill... they almost like being held, and really they are the easiest animal ever to take care of. One got out of his cage a few months ago, and survived 2 months without food or heat until i found him in the bathroom haha
Beardies are completly full of personality and are really active but its sort of a pain to take care of them. When they are really young they need to be feed 3 times a day and the cage needs to kept really hot.
I love both pets, but i would have to choose corn snakes over beardies : ]

They can be skittish and fast as babies but calm down quite quickly and by that stage don't eat that much. Pooping is only once every 4 or 5 days...

Naturally curious, love coming out ( well mine does anyway :D ) and they have a great personality. Most people here ( uk ) say they are the best for a first timer. As previously stated as long as you have their viv set up ok....and their food and veg they are reasonably easy to keep and definatly great fun.
my corn escaped the day i got it but i found it a few hours later it was real scary. I would say beardie as you will see more of it etc.
I agree 100% that beardies are a much more interactive pet than a snake. But you have to know what you're getting into. In his initial post he stated he wants something easy to have. So if the choices are Beardie vs Corn snake, I say go with the Corn snake, they're much easier to care for. But when you do feel like something that requires more attention, raising a Beardie can be very fun and rewarding.
ok so the thing is i don't want to kill the beardie, of course if i will buy it it will get vitamins proper lamps and food etc. but i'm scared i will do something wrong.
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