Cough up your pictures people!

here is one for ya


  • puff daddy.JPG
    puff daddy.JPG
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Most Excellent Creatures....

Thanks for sharing all those most excellent and uncommonly beautiful creatures. And, Trace, the breadth of your collection is amazing. You should be sharing them more often. But if you do, I will have to pick up one of those home heart de-fib machines they advertise now on TV :)
Here is my 1st cham.......he's 7 now.

This is my little sickly female ambilobe.........she's 5 monthes.

Here is my 2.5 month old Blue bar ambilobe.

Wow, you said your first cham is now 7, that's in years right? If it is then that's impressive. Usually veileds only live like 5-6 years.
I FINALLY took a few pictures of my male Nosy... He is rather pissed off ATM so he has really dark color! He hates me... :rolleyes::D I will get some good shots of him some day... :)




kinyonga, you asked.....
You said one is sickly...what's wrong with her?

Here are the two threads talking about it. I got her before Christmas and have had nothing but problems since. :( She seems to be doing better now she's up to 6-8 med to large crickets a day but she still needs to be container fed.

Thanks for the concern.


Yep, 7 years.
I'm suprised he made it past 7 days now that I look back at it all. :eek:
At least I've learned to give him a good home.

Convincing the non chameleon enthusiastic partner that another animal needs to come into the house maybe the most difficult aspect of this hobby!
It is here anyway.:rolleyes:


Isn't that the darn truth! Now that I have a standardised way of setting up cages I made the comment "Now we can fit more in less space" my GF quickly replied "we are NOT getting anymore!". Since I pay the bills I think I can decide if I am ready for more chams. :D:p:D
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