Cricket cup... done!


New Member
compilation of ideas... I sliced open a new small rubber hose I had left over from replacing the wiper motor in my BMW for the trim. I saw other cups made but always thought there was a potential of cutting their tongues on the home made ones.
Solution = hotglue + hose 8)
Screened the back and voila! Done~


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I just melted the edges down with a soldering iron for mine.

Yours looks much more professional, though. lol
same thoughts 8)

yea, i was originally thinking the same thing to melt and roll them by using my heat gun, but captain shaky hands (me lol) couldn't quite get that to work well 8)
design change!

Change of plans haha.. used a Snapple bottle because its "made from the best stuff on earth" (hey that's what the bottle says and I am sure bottles cant lie, it's a thing.)
anyway.. 100% silicone and covered it in eco earth (coco fiber) now it will fit right in with the natural enclosure 8)

Oh and one final note.. hot glue is *&@)$&@!! hot!!
That's a nice job you did.

I need one of those. My water bottle is clear so my chameleon doesn't realize it's solid and misses the crickets sometimes.

couple quick tips:

to remove the labels, soak the bottle in water first, then they will scrape off super easily with a credit card.

If you are going to use the small rubber hose like I did, make sure you cut the corners for the access hole wide to allow the hose to seat better. If you trim the corners tight it will make the hose harder to stay in the corner. Think of the size of an tangerine for the corners 8)

Like with chameleon things, patience is a MUST on the hose trim. hot glue the start of the hose then let it cure completely, then do about 4 inches and let it cure again. repeat this all the way around hot gluing the trim hose on. This will ensure your hose doesn't get pulled down as you are gluing it around the rest of the opening.

Do it outside if you can and hopefully its not pouring down rain w/ sleet the day you do it and you wont be all fuzzy headed while you are rubbing the silicone on in your room haha.

drugs are bad, m'kay!
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