Cricket explosion! šŸ¦—šŸ’£


Chameleon Enthusiast
After trying my hand at breeding various insect feeders, Iā€™ve finally gotten around to crickets. The last couple of times Iā€™ve ordered crickets, Iā€™ve gotten an extra 500 adults for breeding only. I thought the first batch was quite prolific. There were hundreds of babies that are currently still in the process of growing (not yet big enough for feeders). Hard to see how many as Iā€™ve given them lots of tubes and egg flats to spread out in.
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My second batch just started hatching a couple of days ago and holy crickets! There must be thousands of them! Plus, thereā€™s still eggs that havenā€™t yet hatched! I had to move the little egg bins to another bin. I added a larger piece of egg flat and within minutes they started swarming over that and theyā€™re still packed in on the undersides! I hadnā€™t expected this much success. Definitely didnā€™t get them enough food and will have to give them more. Absolutely thrilled at the success. šŸ¤—

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NopeNopeNopeNope! No more critters for me right now. Thereā€™s 12 reptiles and another would make it an unlucky #13 and Iā€™m out of space. šŸ˜› Plus my dog and cat are now draining all of my $$ for their medical needs. If I have extra crickets, I can always put them in an open bin outside for the froggies, geckos and anoles. Iā€™m sure they might like a free meal.
NopeNopeNopeNope! No more critters for me right now. Thereā€™s 12 reptiles and another would make it an unlucky #13 and Iā€™m out of space. šŸ˜› Plus my dog and cat are now draining all of my $$ for their medical needs. If I have extra crickets, I can always put them in an open bin outside for the froggies, geckos and anoles. Iā€™m sure they might like a free meal.
Well you did not mention all the rest.. You are at an even number of reptiles and 13 is a hard pass gateway to 14. So yeah feed the froggers and lizards outside lol
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