Cricket fighting the sport!

The crickets they use for cricket fighting are a type of a field cricket. They have huge mandibles and what happens is the keeper irritates the antennae with a straw brush. They fight and the loser is chosen when the first one stops fighting or singing. There is very rarely any physical damage done to crickets. Only male crickets are used as fighters, and the people who keep... I don't think they quite understand what crickets need XD lol. They are separated into different weight classes... colors... and something else o_O. lol
The crickets they use for cricket fighting are a type of a field cricket. They have huge mandibles and what happens is the keeper irritates the antennae with a straw brush. They fight and the loser is chosen when the first one stops fighting or singing. There is very rarely any physical damage done to crickets. Only male crickets are used as fighters, and the people who keep... I don't think they quite understand what crickets need XD lol. They are separated into different weight classes... colors... and something else o_O. lol
So the camel cricket won't do lol
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