Cricket Gutload


New Member
I found a place up in here in Alaska (gasp!) that breeds crickets.
She gutloads her crickets on rodent food/cat food.
Is that safe for chams?:confused:
I dont think it sounds good, but I dont know whats in the stuff. Personally, the crickets I get are gutloaded on broccoli, leafy greens, carrots, and other healthy foods.
catfood doesnt have the right proteins and such for chameleons and could b harmful in the long run... its good for the crickets tho... if ur going to feed off crickets then leave them in a separate container where they can eat veggies and fruit for 24 hrs before feeding... broccoli should b avoided too since it prevents the absorbtion of calcium
I dont think it sounds good, but I dont know whats in the stuff. Personally, the crickets I get are gutloaded on broccoli, leafy greens, carrots, and other healthy foods.

I've heard that broccoli and spinach are not good for chams. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
cat food, chicken food and rodent food wont hurt crickets, and its quite normal for cricket breeders to use such things. These do not however make for a good indirect diet for chameleons. Gutload with chameleon friendly foods for a week or more to make the crickets healthy for chameleons.

For info on what to feed crickets, see:

And it is true that broccoli, cabbage and spinnach should be avoided, due to oxalic acid and goitrogen levels
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