Crickets Stopped Chirping


New Member
Hey guys, a couple days ago as I was starting to run low on crix they stopped making noise! They seemed healthy, were eating the gutload, so i figured it was due to low numbers or something, but today after adding 50-100 crickets i'm not hearing and chirping at all. Is this a bad sign or am i just lucky?
Not sure, but if the crickets are younger, they have not developed the ability to chirp yet. I believe crickets start chirping around 4 to 5 weeks of age.
ok, they are small-medium crickets. not sure on their actual age since this is my first time handling/keeping bugs.
@ Nicodemayo: I keep them well fed, replacing any rotting veg pretty quickly. Not that warm in the house, around 72F.
Just be glad that they aren't chirping, lol! I got so fed up with mine chirping the other day that I captured all the ones that had wings and snipped the wings off so they couldn't chirp! Ahh, peace! :D
I captured all the ones that had wings and snipped the wings off so they couldn't chirp!

When I was 16 and got into this whole mess, I worked at a pet store where one customer would come in once a week for crickets and ask for all their wings pulled off so they couldn't chirp. My boss actually made us do it. Even with a tank full of wingless medium size. :mad:
@ Miss Lilly: I am glad, they get so annoying as you know. I was sleeping on the sofa while watching TV a few nights ago, and the crix actually woke me up from a cool dream :mad:.
I may be the only person on here who likes the sound. :D Before my cham could eat full sized crickets I would play a sound track of crickets on my iPhone to get to sleep. :p
Small crickets don't make any noise.
No I am weird too. I like the sound of crickets. Growing up in WI it signals the end of summer. To me it's a peaceful sound. :)
If anyone wants to hear the chirping of the escapee behind my freezer, please come and get it. He's driving me nuts!!!!
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