Crickets won't breed


New Member
I have about 20 breeder crickets fully matured that I have separated in a tub at around 80 degrees... Well ventilated, a box of moist soil/peat moss, proper feed and all... I hear the chirping and I keep it dark but every day I check but NOT A SINGLE EGG! It's really frustrating... Any tips?
hmmmm... Im in a close to similar problem.... I see my females actually laying their eggs.... buts its been well over a couple weeks and none has been hatching... I keep it moisted constantly and have heat for them also but still no babies...
I'm currently on my third breeding box... Two so far gave eggs that never hatched... This time I dont even have infertile eggs to show... I'm about to give up and colonize dubias and wax worms.
It is super frustrating.... I dont know though why your crickets wouldnt even be laying teh eggs? I know everytime I put in a new batch of crickets immediatly they will start laying. Sadly never hatching... =[[
You might be making it more difficult than it is. Use some coco fiber (eco-earth) from petsmart or petco. Get it wet in a bucket or something outside since it makes a mess. Put the wet fiber into a couple of butter tubs and stick the tubs in with your crickets making sure there is something like egg crate ontop of the tubs allowing the crix to get to the tubs easily. Take the tubs out after 2-3 days and put them in a separate bin keeping the fiber moist and warm. 20 adult crix might not be enough to get eggs going quickly. I usually start with 500 and throw in 2 butter tubs at a time and end up with thousands of pinheads. This time of year in Dallas you can keep the cricket bin outside and its warm enough for them to start breeding.
Sean, if you are looking into dubias let me know. I can let you try a couple to make sure your cham will eat them before you start a colony.
Hope this helps.
You probably need a lot more crickets. I would leave a tub of moist potting soil in for a day or two then transfer them into an aquarium with high heat. The only way I could get them to hatch was to have them at about 93 degrees. They would usually hatch in about 9 days and then there would be millions!! I order crickets by the thousand and then use my breeding bins. You must keep the soil moist. Personally I found it a pain in the a== and found it easier to order. Its really quite a bit of work to raise them..
Brian, that would be AMAZING! I want something to be steady and well to be honest less NOISY and SMELLY... I'll need some really small though he's still only 4 Months... I'll definitely send you PM tonight!
Agree with Dupontman here. You need higher heat for one, around 90 degrees. My method which has worked very very well for me is to put potting soil in a sandwhich container. Put little ramps on the sides for the crickets to crawl into. Have at least 1000 fully mature crickets to work with. Watch as the females swarm and lay into the container. The very next day, put a lid with holes on the container and put it in an incubator if you have one at 90 degrees. 10 days later, you have tons of pin heads.
The eco earth method worked for me. My problem was not having enough crickets when I bred them. I have a lot of chams now. :)
Brian, that would be AMAZING! I want something to be steady and well to be honest less NOISY and SMELLY... I'll need some really small though he's still only 4 Months... I'll definitely send you PM tonight!

Dubias are awesome for all the reasons you listed. At 4 months he should be able to eat mid sized nymphs. I have all sizes so you can pick out the ones you want. I very rarely get crickets now. only for neonates that need pinheads. If I did not breed my own crickets at hatch time I would go broke feeding baby panthers. 1000 pinheads costs about the same as 1000 adults but can be sent in a tiny box. Breeding crickets can produce millions of babies from a one time purchase of 1000 adults but everyday feeding gets stinky and noisy.
I do agree crickets = stinky. xD Still waiting for my hornworms to come =[[[ I want to see if they will like them.... not for staple I know =p just a treat <3
Dubias are so much easier and no smell and so easyto take care of. I tried the cricket and superworm route and they are not worth the hassle!! In my humble opinion!!:D
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