New Member
I just had a question regarding feeding. In my opinion, I feel my female veiled has been getting lazy. When I first received her 3 months ago she was pretty active basking, chasing feeders, moving and grooving (leaf walk)...etc. she seemed pretty happy and healthy. After browsing these forums I began hand feeding to help her associate my hand as a "good thing" and hopefully keep her less stressed out in the long run. When I am not hand feeding I try to cup feed so I can keep track of her diet, supplementation, and the variety of feeders consumed. Its been about a month now and I've noticed she has been less active. She typically sleeps half way down the enclosure at night in the Umbrella tree then moves up in the morning to bask. She stays on her basking vine pretty much all day and waits for feeding time. She eats about 3 crickets out of my hand and then I usually give her either a superworm or hornworm as a snack. I remember when I let the feeders free roam she move around the enclosure more regularly (obviously in search of food). So my question....
Do you think the type of feeding you use will determine/influence how active a chameleon will be through out the day?
Maybe its her personality or the way the enclosure is set up. She seems pretty healthy so I don't consider it a problem. I just wanted to hear other opinion on this.
I just had a question regarding feeding. In my opinion, I feel my female veiled has been getting lazy. When I first received her 3 months ago she was pretty active basking, chasing feeders, moving and grooving (leaf walk)...etc. she seemed pretty happy and healthy. After browsing these forums I began hand feeding to help her associate my hand as a "good thing" and hopefully keep her less stressed out in the long run. When I am not hand feeding I try to cup feed so I can keep track of her diet, supplementation, and the variety of feeders consumed. Its been about a month now and I've noticed she has been less active. She typically sleeps half way down the enclosure at night in the Umbrella tree then moves up in the morning to bask. She stays on her basking vine pretty much all day and waits for feeding time. She eats about 3 crickets out of my hand and then I usually give her either a superworm or hornworm as a snack. I remember when I let the feeders free roam she move around the enclosure more regularly (obviously in search of food). So my question....
Do you think the type of feeding you use will determine/influence how active a chameleon will be through out the day?
Maybe its her personality or the way the enclosure is set up. She seems pretty healthy so I don't consider it a problem. I just wanted to hear other opinion on this.