Cute little lats


Avid Member
Little girl just reaching breeding size. Her name is Doodle.



Here's Kathy Griffin, gravid again.


Wow. I may be in the market for a cute little lat of my own in several months. Any reccomendations on where to get one as awesome as these?
They look awesome! Cant believe how small they are and you say they are already of breeding size!?
I am looking around to buy carpets here in South Africa...will post pics when/if I get them.

Was wondering how do you incubate the eggs and on average how long do they take to hatch?
I have heard that constant 20 degrees is the best. But how do you achieve that temperature?
Thanks everyone!

@ Laurie-Kathy Griffin is about 4 months the elder of your girl.

You are correct...20C or 68F is the perfect temps. to incubate them at for the entire incubation. Give them 6-8 months on average...but can take up to 15 months! That isn't typical though. I use a mini-fridge/warmer to keep them around 68F.

You wouldn't happen to know their weights by any chance wouldya?
I have no idea if my female has reached her full size, or close to it, since I have never seen an adult Lateralis in person. Size comparisons are tricky to comprehend through pictures. My little lady comes in at around 2.5" snout to vent length, and around 5'' total length. She just weighed in at a whopping 7 grams!
I'll weigh my current group, which all varies in size, and post their weights. My last generation of females varied between 11-25 grams depending on whether or not they had just laid eggs or were about to, with 17-20 being typical I suppose if I had to guess. I'll check it out though :)
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