Cyrus - waiting on biopsy


Avid Member
Quick update - vet was able to snip off the yellow protrusion. It is acellular but there was enough at the base to send out for histology. Dr. N said it was indeed growing from his eye. It could be a melanoma or a staphyloma
One way or another he will likely loose some sight in that eye. It is obviously impaired now. He is keeping it open but having a hell of a time navigating his branches. He seemed better when he had it closed all the time. He is probably just seeing light and shadow. I just spent 5 minutes watching him settle on a branch for sleeping after I heard a little crash - he had slipped from a branch (not completely, just sort of swung around). My poor little Cy-clops:(

If anyone is interested in seeing pics of before and after there is an album here: pics
Did he appear to be in pain when it was snipped off?

I'm not surprised that he has more trouble navigating the branches when the eye is open when its not functioning well than if he keeps it must be an odd picture he is seeing with it him a false sense of where he is I suppose.

It will no doubt seem like a long time while you wait for the results. Hope it will be all right.
Lele--yikes! That's pretty creepy. I hope it is "just" a staphyloma, as opposed to a malignancy...although an infection (obviously a persistant one!) in his eye isn't good either. My local pet store guy got in a senegal with one eye..he was trying to get me to take it (I think he still feels guilty about the egg-bound "male" brev he sold me). I didn't take him, of course, but he seemed to have adjusted to monocular vision. Would be tougher for a cham, though, I would think, than for a person or mammal...

Hope Cyrus starts improving...:eek:
Hi Lele,

It sounds as if there is getting to be some progress on his ailment. I'm so sorry you and Cyrus are going through this.

This is a prime example that chameleons don't always die or get sick of something we have done during our care for them, or from parasites, or from worms, etc. Chameleons, like dogs, cats, and people can have internal problems just as any other animal or human being can. Heart attacks, tumors, as many as other types of conditions can happen with chameleons just as they do with any other living species in this world.

I do hope he gets better and now that there has been some progress in his diagnosis, at least you and the vet can work on how to help him get through this in the most successful way possible. :)
Thanks, all.

k- he is having a terrible time today with falling (slipping, really) and I just feel so helpless watching him. I was going to post to see if others have had experience with a single vision cham. I think I will have to make some adjustments to his cage, but probably not until spring (hard to dismantle completely in winter). Thinking of use a lot of ropes (sash cord, clothes line) that hangs all the way to bottom of cage so he can always find something to grab onto. I have a several very narrow branches (kiwi and grapevine) which he is having a terrible time with. He keeps going for the screen on the sides but I know this will damage his toenails even more. Any suggestions welcome!
Did he appear to be in pain when it was snipped off?

I'm not surprised that he has more trouble navigating the branches when the eye is open when its not functioning well than if he keeps it must be an odd picture he is seeing with it him a false sense of where he is I suppose.

It will no doubt seem like a long time while you wait for the results. Hope it will be all right.

I was not there, he did it in OR. He also gave him a local and put him under or at least made him groggy. He had to do the local (you can see the black line on the lower part of turret where he had ti go in with forceps to pull it up) so that he could get to the thing. Apparently their eyes move down when closed whereas humans roll up.

I wonder if he will begin to keep it closed just so he can see better, You are right, besides depth perception being off he is likely just seeing shadow and light. I feel so helpless :(
you might want tpput him in a maller simple setup if your afraid of injury you can place a towel at the bottonto break a fall,
reading my mind

Hi Brandy,

Thanks for your post. You were reading my mind! I was just trying to decide between the 2' square or one a bit smaller. I sort of hate to disrupt him so much right now, but I am concerned. I let him out on his gym to see how he'd do and he was fine for a while, then as he was turning around to go back inside he fell - I was standing right there and caught him. So no more gym for him for a while. He is going to hate that :(

I'll use the 2'sq which is actually an insect rearing cage so has one solid metal side and a hand sleeve so I will need to make some adjustments, but it is what he was in (I think) before his big cage. I'm also going to have to get some smaller plants.

My poor little Cy-clops. I feel so bad that I can't explain what is happening to him.

thanks again
Thanks for your good wishes. It has been frustrating not knowing, but at least we are now at a point where we can get some answers. Just hope he doesn't have to lose his eye. The hardest part is watching him fumble. :( but he will adjust - I hope sooner than later...

lele and Cy
Cyrus in the blueberries with a healthy right eye 7/14/06

Hi lele,

What a great picture of Cyrus, I love it.

I firmly believe that chameleons are more hardy than popular literature lets on. With a person such as yourself caring for him, Cyrus has every chance of regaining full health.

You both are in my thoughts!

Oliver is doing just fine, thank you for asking Heika. :) I proved with him that anything is possible so I agree chameleons are not always as delicate as they are portrayed.
I also have an elderly Veiled chameleon that vets predicted would die last year (they said they could do no more for him) but he is still with us. I have to hand feed him but he is very much alive still and he is very special to me.
That is a very beautiful photo of him. Bless him:)

Thanks, chamgirl and heika. It is one of my favorites. In fact I just made it my avatar. I had been using my fav. pic of Luna (died 7/05), but figure it is time to honor my boy :D
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