Death due to egg binding

There are 15 babies hatched and eating, 4 heads poking out, and 9 chilling in their egg and one deformed baby that did not make it. Born without tail and back legs were all messed up ( i did take pictures but might be to graphic). (y)

Last picture are the infertile eggs (6) along with turtle egg found on patio.

The center small egg collapsed and had mold on it, so I removed from other egg container, cleaned off the mold- put some anti fungal/powder med. It seems to still be alive and regained its form (still not 100% sure it is alive). I do see veins in it but not enough growth to say it is alive. Will just have to wait and see. :)


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So this will be one of those update stories as it goes.
I had a female veil (2 years old) that was getting ready to lay in her egg bin. She has laid there before and had laid 87 eggs. Then in Nov of 2020 she started her routine and dug a nice nest but did not lay. So by day 4 I was getting worried since she was constantly moving and digging but on day 5 she had passed away before laying. I did remove her eggs JUST INCASE.
Here is current (2/20/2021) picture of eggs (2) that were removed on Dec 1 2020 (48 of them). Crossing fingers for a good ending in a few months (6 to 8 plus or minus).
So I have a pregnant veiled chameleon (my first chameleon) that I think may have the egg binding issue. I’m concerned & trying to keep her alive but am curious how you did the surgery to retrieve the eggs after yours passed.


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