dehydrated chameleon

my panther chameleon seems to be dehydrated, his screen cage is at 75 with a basking spot of 83, the humidity is at a constant 50-60% and he has a dripper that he never drinks from. i spray the cage twice a day, but he doenst seem to drink from the leaves at all. he eats fine and isnt aggresive, what should i do?

Thanks for your answer,
You said ''tanks''. What kind of cage are you keeping this animal in? Also, pictures would help.

Mist with really warm water for a long time. Feed some big juicy hornworms and silkworms. If that doesn't work you might have to give a nice long shower.
Why do you think he's dehydrated?

good point , just because you dont see him drink doesnt mean he doesnt. if his eyes arent sunken in or he doesnt have wrinkly skin and his urates are white to creme colored , he is probably not dehydrated, if he has yellow urates you may have an issue
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