

New Member
One of my very young babies has his eyes sunken in quite a bit. With plenty of water will the eyes go back to normal?
It is important to maintain hydration

Hydration is a key component surrounding sunken eyes, I would try using a pippet to administer water a few drips at a time on his nose.

And monitor, make sure he is also eating and being supplemented.

Assuming it is hydration then yes his eyes should return to normal.
Sunken eyes can a,so be a sign of illness.
Does it drink at all?

Please answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum so we can help you better.
Can you post a photo too please.
I got him in the sink with a small bottle underneath the water spraying it everywhere and hes starting to drink again. Could it also have to do with a a too powerful lighting?
He's gotten a bit better. His eyes opened up a bit but now their sealed shut. He can't see any recommendations?
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