desperate chameleon virgin (cont.)


New Member
Thank u so much to all the helpful ppl and their advice. Went back to the petstore I purchased Amaeleo from to get a new UV bulb (I found out they sold me a dessert bulb and poor amaeleo wouldn't open his eyes the hole time it was on ..only 3hrs I felt too bad for him!!!! Then I checked the strength of bulb) they didn't have a 5.0 so they ordered one for me it will b here 2day. When they realized they only had 10.0 they tried to sell me a compact bulb and they weren't happy when i stood my ground and firmly said no they cause blindness in chameleons and the owner almost choked when his new employee very loudly stated the same facts at the same time I did...Amaeleo.looks so Mich better without that blinding 10.0 bulb ;(.... kudos to the new employee and hopefully he can get the owner on the right track!
Thanks again to everyone who helped :) I promise to post pictures soon
I almost forgot ... Amaeleo is finally eatting again :) and as of yesterday morning he is drinking again! I'm on the right track! Also how often are veterinarian visits advised?
Hi April and welcome to the forums! Just to let you know, it was more than likely the desert bulb that was too intense and not the spiral itself causing you cham to close his eyes. Many years ago there were some compact bulbs being sold that were causing blindness and issues but that has long since been rectified by the manufactuerer. There are members on here who do use the compacts with no problems. Most of us use the tubes because there has NEVER been issue that we know of, so it is kinda like better safe than sorry. There is a slight chance that you could get a bulb that would have to be very old stock and therefore you might be sold one of these bulbs but again this was going back quite a number of years now and the chances are probably very slim.

Hi Carol and thanks for the welcome...the petstore my husband and I use is a little store with a lot of outdated bulbs and products (we wont purchase food or supplements there) so I would definitely rather be safe than sorry so we r just using a tube bulb and a separate heat source. Amaeleo is looking better acting normal (well as normal as a chameleon gets lol) he's eating again & drinking. Hubby hasn't figured out the art of giving him a drink yet but we r headed to a perfect & healthy cham :)
Thanks again for the help
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