
Vet results came back, unfortunately, Louie seems to have eaten a piece of zip tie I used to keep the vines together in the enclosure.:( I will miss my Louie.

I'm sorry to hear about your lose. So that we can all learn from this what kind of zip ties were you using and how were they applied?
please do not be to hard on yourself - things happen, and you ARE a responsible owner, you did your research , you took very good care of your cham, him eating that was a sad accident - but do not give up on chams, this is something that could have happened to any one of us- we all use things like this in our cages, so even at that, you still did nothing wrong, and to go the extra step and have a vet look at him to see what happened - shows even more you are a good keeper :) so sorry for your loss - but I would hate to see you give up on chams
I am so sorry about Louie. It is so hard to lose a pet even if you only had him a short while. I don't know what to say other than don't beat yourself up about it and learn from this for next time. And please let there be a next time. These are marvelous creatures and such a joy to care for. You certainly approached things with the right attitude and like the others have said we have all had things happen. We are after all not perfect and I am sure you will get past this and be better for it. Remember all the joy Louie brought you in the short time you had him. I have two chams now but still miss my boy Pete. Ironically the most interaction and hands on time I had with him was in the last few weeks of his life and it makes me wish I had worked harder at handling him, maybe I would have noticed his issues earlier. But I didn't and that is one change I made with my new boys. I interact with them daily. I may not take them out and handle them because Omar doesn't really like the taking out part and Clouseau is new but I spend time watching and talking to them (even though they can't really hear me). So that to me is one of Pete's contributions to my keeping of chams (among others). In time things will be better but you will always miss him and you should cause you clearly cared a great deal for him. I think you will be an awesome keeper.
The zip ties I was using were black they were from Lowe's. I just had them wrapped around the vines and the plastic plants I was using.
Sorry to hear :( I'm guessing he found a piece of zip tie you had clipped off? I will check my setup thoroughly for these tonight, as I just finished getting it setup on Saturday using zip ties. I'm sure I got them all, but I will double check tonight because of Louie's story. Like the others said, don't beat yourself up too much, accidents happen. I hope you get another chameleon.
sorry for your loss. it's terrible to lose any animal but for it be an accidental death is even harder. don't be hard on yourself...accidents happen. you learn from it and you move on. don't give up on keeping chameleons. you've got the set up right and it looks like you really enjoyed having a chameleon.
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