different feeding methods!

I recently got jax my baby Jackson I've been having trouble feeding him I leave a few free roaming crickets in his cage but in the morning I try various methods of feeding approaches I've tried cup feeding hand feeding flat aurface feeding he generally only eats when I set a cricket infront of him and it stays put for a minute which is a struggle in itself I've tried mealworms they are just too big I cut them in half aand he still acts like he camt fit them even after an attempt he will not go for it agian any suggestions please thanka!
Meal worms not a great feeder more like a treat. The crickets you can hobble them then they will stay put longer
I would suggest that you just let the feeders free range his cage, but just put in only lets say 5 for example. Check a short time time later to see if any were taken. What is his ambient cage temperature? If he is too cold, he might be reluctant to eat, but placing it directly in front of him may tempt him. If he is eating when placed right in front of him, more than likely he will feed when he gets a chance with some privacy. All chameleons are different from each other, sometimes you just have to figure your's out. If he wasn't eating at all or if he doesn't feed in his cage on his own, you might take another look at the situation.
My cham took about 2 weeks to fully understand the process of cup feeding.
If you want to cup feed, then keep it set up in his cage, he will eventuly figure it out.
How old is he? Mine is 3 months old and still relies heavily on fruit flies. He will occasionally eat a newly moulted mealworm and the odd cricket, but his diet mainly consists of fruit flies still. Just as well seeing as the two new cultures I started are swarming with maggots!
Temperature is 70 75 throughout cage basking is 85 he will eat if I stick it infront of him but i have to move away and give him a bit of privacy but by that time crickets just hop away!
I use a good method I found on this site. I take a half gallon or gallon jug, hang it upside down on the screen. I cut the front half of the bottle off from about halfway up, basicly leaving from the handle down intact. Then I glue a peice of cardboard to the back of it. The crickets can climb up and be easily visible for your Cham, but they don't escape. Works awesome, it's like cup feeding but better haha
I use a good method I found on this site. I take a half gallon or gallon jug, hang it upside down on the screen. I cut the front half of the bottle off from about halfway up, basicly leaving from the handle down intact. Then I glue a peice of cardboard to the back of it. The crickets can climb up and be easily visible for your Cham, but they don't escape. Works awesome, it's like cup feeding but better haha


also mine is a pain in the butt to feed so i let a few cricket free range and they usully climb the screen to the basking light then then goes on her trees and snags them when she wants
try putting the cup in different places and my guy will only eat out of a clear cup thats big but not deep and the cup is in the middle of his cage half way down in the branches i just find u got to have it in a good spot :)
maybe hes just gettin used to you? Im sure they all have their own personalities but i have gone through the same feeding struggles with my ambilobe. if you watch alot of the posted feeding vids on here youll notice the chams (most of them) will look at the person feeding or filming them for a bit before actually eating. i would get frustrated sometimes when my cham would take a butterworm from my hand in a heartbeat and then stare at me only too walk away when i offer a second. i by no means am an expert but maybe its just a trust/comfort level issue? I finally tossed in about ten crickets closed the door and came back about and hour and a half later to find only 3 crickets hiding! i still do the hand feeding thing once in a while and hell humor me sometimes but sometimes you gotta let them do their thing.
I recently got jax my baby Jackson I've been having trouble feeding him I leave a few free roaming crickets in his cage but in the morning I try various methods of feeding approaches I've tried cup feeding hand feeding flat aurface feeding he generally only eats when I set a cricket infront of him and it stays put for a minute which is a struggle in itself I've tried mealworms they are just too big I cut them in half aand he still acts like he camt fit them even after an attempt he will not go for it agian any suggestions please thanka!

Put them in a large-ish dark coloured bowl very near and just below where the chameleon likes to be, then leave the room. Only put a couple feeders in the bowl at once, so that making a choice of what cricket to eat is easier :) ensure the crickets are small enough. Consider very small silkworms, fruit flies and terrestrial isopods, if you can.
Still trying the cup method the only cham I got that seems to be eating properly is my baby veiled he's a pig the others I try cup had feeding free roaming and just seems like there not gerting enough I put plenty in there but non gone I mixed roaches aand crickets in the cups today and all still there this weekend I'm work on glueing (hot glue) the bottoms of their cage amd try free roaming the roaches but there blattas and I dont want infestation!
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