
chameleon guy

New Member
Do any of yall have any interests in dinosaurs?Do any of you guys think that any time soon dinosaurs or dinosaur like creatures will be created(hold the birds)? Would any of you pay to see them. For me HELL YEAH!!! Also kind of a childish question but if you could be a Dino which one would it be? I would want to be a stegosaurus because they are huge, look cool, and have those tails with the giant spikes.:)

Yeah it is kind of scary(especially if a fat man turns off the power in the park). I saw that! I was so excited when I first heard about it.
Gotta love the self justification..

“If God didn’t want us messing with this stuff, we couldn’t do it,” Horner said.

Santa didnt say anything about it either, It must be ok! :D

Cure cancer then play 'jurrasic park'.
one cancer remedy coming up..
I also believe by then they probably find a cure for cancer as well. :)
I heard there are promising hope using a snake venom. or was it for Aids?
idk I forgot.:eek:
one cancer remedy coming up..

seem to have heard that before....lets hope they stumble accross it between growing human ears on the back of glowing mice and giving chickens teeth.
Forgive millions of cancer victims, not to mention the gullible donors to 'research' if they dont hold their breath while they wait!

Geez, I surprise myself sometimes, that sounded pretty 'venomous' didnt it. Im one of the fools who beleives cancer cures and cars that run on water share a common problem, neither is profitable. :) (make of that what you will), meanwhile dinosaurs can entertain us!
O goodness, I wished I could go.. it was playing in Staples center last year i believe..
Though the ticket costs an arm and a leg.. :)
Pfft Joe, next they will be telling us cars can run on air The nerve of some people.

I love dino's. Always have. They sparked my interested in herpetology as a young child. Also one reason why I picked Chams this time around. If you look at all the head gear these guys have they more resemble dinos than pretty much anything else still alive today.
Another innovative concept that will probably never go mainstream, thats the problem pure. I wonder how far these things can go per charge? in anycase, not much profit to be made from vehicles like this.

I love dinosaurs as much as anyone else, but science is wasted on fantasy Imo.
A jurrasic park would be fantastic, but does the world need it?
this forum F'ing kicks @ss,,, lol... i havnt seen any of these videos except for the Discovery channel special having to do with bringing birds to their younger stages and continueing that process of growth.

thanks all for sharing, and of course, for being cool as f***!!!
I would be a Wolly Mammoth!:)

I was never into Dinosaurs as a kid, but find them rather interesting as an adult. I chose the Mammoth because it's big and strong, and with those tusk, it could ward off predators with a fatal blow. :D

As for the whole curing cancer deal..... I hate to say but I don't know if we will ever see a total cure in the future, the way the world works....

The money is in the medicine not the cure.....:rolleyes:

The money is in the medicine not the cure.

and the 'research'. My point exactly! :)

P.S prehistoric mammals fascinate me alot more than dinosaurs, wooly mammoths Rock!
They are also alot more likely to be re-created from patched Dna/cloning etc.
A living sabretooth tiger, mammoth or cave bear would be, to me, alot more awesome than
the 'chicken-stein' mentioned above Imo.
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Truth about caaaancer is, it's in your own hands. If you're foolish enough to live
an unhealthy lifestyle, you're asking for cancer and deserve to pay the hundreds
of thousands of dollars for the treatment.

Oldest trick in the book, smart people getting rich from dumb people!

Ounce of prevention > an entire Swiss bank of cure.

If only people knew how easy it was to prevent.

As for dinosaurs, now THAT'S what science is all about. I'd love a pet dinosaur!
I say go for it.

I'd be that cool new one they discovered, Microraptor gui, or a pterodactyl.
Truth about caaaancer is, it's in your own hands. If you're foolish enough to live
an unhealthy lifestyle, you're asking for cancer and deserve to pay the hundreds
of thousands of dollars for the treatment.

What about Lance Armstrong???
I went to that walking with dinodaurs thing.. wasnt very awesome.. kinda like uhhh thats fake.
But yea if i could have a dinosaur of my own.. i'd go with a triceratops >:)

But if i could REALLY choose, i'd wish for a great dane sized panther chameleon. I'd tame it and ride it throught trees n shit round the city... badass :)
i'd wish for a great dane sized panther chameleon. I'd tame it and ride it throught trees n shit round the city... badass :)

Originally Posted by Brock
Truth about caaaancer is, it's in your own hands. If you're foolish enough to live
an unhealthy lifestyle, you're asking for cancer and deserve to pay the hundreds
of thousands of dollars for the treatment.

If all cancer is preventable (yes you imply that by omission) then how come you havent written any scientific papers proving so, won a nobel, written books and become super rich yourself huh Dr Brock? Had a letter from the vatican lately declaring you St Brock?
The guy who saved the world from cancer!

Tell that to millions of otherwise perfectly healthy folk who never drank smoked ate junk food in their lives and died of cancer in one form or another, not to mention children!

Very vague over simplification, stupid, ignorant, and insensitive thing to say.
You can minimise the risk, yes , but thats all you can do, its not any garauntee you wont get cancer.
Its not all preventable, anymore than diabetes or MS or any number of diseases people die from.
Nobody asks for cancer and nobody deserves it!

Light travels faster than sound, thats why people sometimes appear smart till you hear them speak!
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All the info is out there, JoJackson. Do some research on your own before you
start throwing stones.

PS Diabetes is one of the MOST preventable diseases.
MS is preventable via adequate vitamin D, and good fats such as omega-3's,
and eliminating sugar and processed food.

In fact, they have found that one cause of MS is emotional injury that people
don't deal with.

Just think how vitamin C is a simple cure/prevention of scurvy. Does it make more
sense to you now?

Most people don't look these things up for themselves,
that's why most people get sick.

Anything else you'd like to know? :)

As for Lance Armstrong, high aerobic activities increase the levels of free
radicals. If you don't know what free radicals are, well, they cause a lot
of cancers and other illnesses.

Add to this the act of riding a bicycle. The seat is very damaging to that
area of the body. It reduces blood flow to the pubococcygeus muscle,
who knows what kind of testicular injuries he incurred during training, taking
a fall, or what have you. A serious injury can take decades to turn into
cancer. Think of skin cancer, most of it is caused by a burn you get before
the age of 18, and the melanoma won't pop up for 20-30 sometimes 40 years

When you take all these aspects and put them together, he's actually
a LIKELY candidate for cancer.

Exercise is a crucial part of staying healthy, but too much exercise can be
very damaging.

You don't know what kind of lifestyle he leads, just because he is a pro athlete. What kind of diet does he have? Does he drink tap water?

In his own words:

Pro cyclists literally starve themselves. If you want to be the best, that’s what you do.

That’s what I did. I cannot tell you how many nights you just go to bed hungry.

Do you think that's going to prevent cancer, or cause it?

I'm gonna go with cause it.

Like I said, all the info's out there. Seek and you shall find.

But to remain on topic, did you guys all see that they sequenced part of the mammoth genome? I think they will clone
mammoths before they get to dinosaurs, but I think it could happen this century.
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