
curing cancer is independant of dinosaur research. If somebody wants to study genetics by making chickens grow scutes, teeth and finghers, that's how they'll do it. It's not simply for the coolness factor - we learn about all of genetics when such experiments are done.

Cancer is complex, and has genetic components. Some people are more likely to get some cancers than others, regardless of lifestyle.

sure, there might not be a hell of a lot of usefuillness in getting a chicken to look a little prehistoric, but the thigns doen to it's genetics to bring about those changes are the key. Geneticists learn by trial and error - messing with a chicken may help them understand how humans work - with cool, possibly profitable benifits!
In fact, they have found that one cause of MS is emotional injury that people
don't deal with.

Just think how vitamin C is a simple cure/prevention of scurvy. Does it make more
sense to you now?

Most people don't look these things up for themselves,
that's why most people get sick.

Anything else you'd like to know?

Yes, where you came up with this crap? The only part I agree with is the mention of vitamin c/scurvy.

Seriously, Multiple Schlerosis caused by emotional trauma, Testicular cancer caused by riding bikes? The onus is on you to prove this nonsense, its your claims.

In principle I agree that looking after your health, diet, excersize, not smoking, and all things in moderation will go along to minimising risk of disease, but making out that this will 'prevent' all diseases as simple as that, is just foolish wishful thinking. Its no more than your subjective opinion, an arrogant blanket statement posing as fact, you are not qualified to make such snake-oil claims.

Perhaps many health problems can be avoided by these means, This im sure is true enough. But when you extend that logic to diseases like cancer and MS and so on, its a whole new ballgame.
I stand by what I wrote Mate, Its not that simple, its wishful thinking.
Tell the 7 y.o boy with the shaven head who lives in hospital because he's dying of cancer that its preventable ! Tell My neice who has a few months left if that and is now in Palliative care nearing the end. Im pretty sure she'd tell you to go #### yourself! :)

P.S got your PM and replied. Posting the source of your claims


Hang out on the beach (in the sun for vit D) and you will prevent or cure your cancer? So how is then that lack of Uv protection causes skin cancers/melanoma's? Hmm? Shouldnt the old vit D do the trick?
from your laughable source
Only brief full-body exposures to bright summer sunshine — of 10 or 15 minutes a day — are needed to make high amounts of the vitamin.
Nobody who goes to the beach dies of cancer? LOL
Lots of health junkies do take regular vitamin d and im sure if you went to effort to track them down, you'd find plenty who got cancer anyway. If it was simple as vitamin d , pretty much nobody would ever get cancer, who shuns sunlight? apart from vampires? :D I think this source is no more reliable than the dozens of bizzare research claims that we read about in the paper daily. Ya gotta do better than a random newspaper article Mate.
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Truth about caaaancer is, it's in your own hands. If you're foolish enough to live
an unhealthy lifestyle, you're asking for cancer and deserve to pay the hundreds
of thousands of dollars for the treatment.

Sorry but this statement is BS my cousin passed away last year from multiple types of cancer. He was probably the biggest health nut in my family. I would also like you to tell my aunt and other cousin that he and his family DESERVED to pay the outrageous treatment bills. I am afraid you wouldnt be around for very much longer yourself.

Sorry Brock, most all of your posts have great info but this one belongs in the trash can.
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