My chameleon passed way this morning and I am thinking about getting another one this weekend if I can find one that is older and bigger than Raine was. She was less than a month old and I will never buy one that little again. My question is this. What is the best way to disinfect the all screen cage and all of the stuff inside. I have a piece of sanded grape vine that is almost three feet tall plus the fake vines and one live plant. I want to have the cage all set up just in case I come home with a new baby this weekend. I will be in the Corpus Christi area and am hoping I can find someone there that has some babies for sale. I am very nervous of getting one shipped to me and would like to see before I purchase. I don't think I could handle watching another one die so I want to make sure he/she is healthy. I would love to purchase a veiled from someone on this forum so if anyone is close to Galveston or Corpus Christi please let me know.