Do chameleons dream?


Chameleon Enthusiast
So I just had this thought, do chameleons dream? Cause Nachito has the most clear dark angry spots I’ve seen but she’s sleeping (I am watering her plants cause I forgot to and road trip tomorrow so that could be it but I SWEAR she’s asleep and her eyes are closed)

And it’s crazy, now they are fading back to her normal lime green pjs

Edit: and they are back again…. Strange
Often they feature prominently in my crazy dreams. One of my most recent was having a bunch of various chameleons free ranging in Target and I was having to catch them and take them back where they belonged…in an office. 🤷🏻‍♀️
ive had a lot of nightmares about me leaving the cage open and my chameleons start attacking each other lol😅 and its been more then a handful of times
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