Do her markings mean gravid?


New Member
Hey all! I've been working closely with my chameleon to get to know her and how to keep her happy. And over the past week or less, she has been almost constantly wearing a pattern.


I made her really angry trying to capture the pictures, and she has been showing it by being difficult around feeding time. She's angry at my hands now, and while still eating, is eating only half what she would last week.

I haven't gotten a laying tub for her yet, because I'm having a hard time finding anything suitable for her cage size, which up until yesterday, was the small tall 38 gallon screen. She now has the DOUBLE SIZE YAY! and is settling in, so I plan to get her a laying tub asap.


My question is, does this look like she may be growing eggs? I read they will take on a particular colouring when they are gravid, but this is the most pattern I've seen on her. I have been watching her so much to make sure I can get her a tub in time if it comes up. Is this that time? Or is this shedding behaviour?
Has she been with a male or are we looking at infertile eggs? Her markings do look like she is gravid. Her belly looks pretty full too, unless she is just blowing it up because she is mad. Usually you can see an egg shaped lump above her back legs when she is about to lay and the eggs get big.
I haven't seen any lumps yet, no, but she does have a beer belly when she's lounging around. I look at the spot behind/above her back legs every day though.

Yikes! I guess I'm going to be buying some playsand ASAP.

I have a bag of it somewhere, but it's not enough to fill a 12 inch bucket, and it's kind of course, I bought it for my bearded dragons then never used it... it was a 15 dollar bag at a pet store, and isn't very much.

Can you buy it cheaper at hardware stores or something?
No she hasn't been with a male, that I know of. I adopted her from a friend who has a reptile rescue, and he had her and her brother. But as far as I know they always had separate cages. I've only had her about a month.
I took this picture seconds ago, to show you her body. She seems pretty relaxed and non patterned right now, but can anyone tell me if this is how a normal chameleon is sized? I am learning as I go.

If that is not her puffing out she is either VERY PLUMP or has eggs- I would get the bin ready for her so she sees it an not stressed when she needs it having that new thing in her cage :)

Good luck with your baby:)
Even now, 10 or so minutes later, she's un-plumped and is really slim again. maybe she was puffed out. Arg, she's drivin me crazy, hahaha.

What do you say now?

Alot of times the way they lay on a branch or vine, makes them look plump. Check them out at night and 9 out of 10 times they look really fat the way the are laying. In my opinion, those are not gravid colors. Everytime mine were gravis they were black, yellow and touches of green, and that was whether they had been with a male or not.
I am not positive but having the bin too early is much better than late. She will explore it. Have a vine that leads into it so she can get in and out on her own. Looking at the second pic by her right knee she is still a bit plumped. It may be that you noticed her behavior very early and not ready yet but get the bin. Females should have one available all the time.

I used the pot my hibiscus came in 18 inches deep 14 inches across. It worked well especially with the drain holes already in it I did not have to worry about her digging down hitting water and inhaling it.

Plus I have vivid memories of once owning A Hibiscus, since the dang thing died on me less than a month old :(
Thanks for the advice everyone. I will be looking for a planter or something over the next few days.

Does it have to be opaque? What's the purpose for that? Where do you find play sand these days? If I use potting soil is the vermiculite safe? Or is pure vermiculite safe? Are vermiculite and pearlite the exact same thing?

See how many questions I have? I'm a scared new mama. :)
Play sand can be found at Wal-marts, Lowes and most hardware stores. I get mine either from Wal-mart or a toys r us. Avoid the colored stuff as it can dye the cham that color;) It comes in a pretty big bag.
Other then that I can't tell you about eggs, but good luck with her, and glad you gave her a great home, caus any momma who is worried really loves their baby!
sharl, and Carrots
she looks plumb. not gravid to me. and her colors do not look gravid, juvenile - not even receptive yet. but pointing this out, her casque looks quite thick. which could be from a lot of reasons, and it could also be why she looks so plump in the first picture
A lay bin is not going to hurt and should be a part of the female Veileds enclosure. However, I'm going to have to agree with DupontMan and say she is not gravid. Those black markings in the first photo are just that - black markings/patterns and females tend to show those as they start to mature. Males do too. She's also still new to you and probably just a bit stressed and nervous. Judging by her puffy casque, cheeks and tail base I'd be inclined to say she is a little overweight (Pics 2 and 3). At 5-7 months she is reaching sexual maturity and it's maybe time to start decreasing her food intake. Female chameleons, especially the calyptratus, do love their food and can get quite obese in captivity.

Otherwise she looks like a happy (as much as chameleons can be happy!) and healthy animal. Welcome aboard and have fun with her.
Thank you Trace. I have been spoiling her with plenty of food. I will tune down the feedings, even though she's been really super pissed at me this week and hardly eats now anyway. I was kinda hoping that was laying attitude so I wouldn't feel so guilty.
Overfeeding a veiled female consistently can lead to reproductive issues, MBD, constipation and impaction, so I would recommend you look at her diet. How much do you feed her in a week?

I would recommend that you get the laying bin in the cage ASAP don't want to risk her becoming eggbound.
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