Do panthers eat plants?


New Member
I think Fender is eating his camellia plant! I was cleaning the cage earlier on and I also found a big poop.. I was so worried he wasn't eating, but he obviously is!:)


The crickets are always in the feeding cup, so Fender is the only one roaming around the enclosure.. I thought only veiled chameleons eat plants.
They have been known to on occasion. Some love to eat Hibiscus flowers, and apparently some like to eat camellia :)
Occasionally they do. In my experience, it's the younger ones that go through that phase. I had a few that would tear up a pothos and hibiscus flowers. Pothos is on the safe plant list, but is said to be toxic if eaten. However, my pothos eating chameleons are still doing well to this day.
my female veiled loves eating fruits and plants, just as much as she likes eating crikets. supose some just like it and others dont.
I had a female eat bark off of branches when she was about 6 mos old. I was so worried about bowel obstruction with her, but she was fine. I upped her vitamin/mineral regimen thinking it was related to her nutritional needs changing for egg production and she still did it every once in a while. Freaked me out and made me be a lot more picky about the natural branches I selected in the future.

I have had many, many panthers, and she is the only one who ever did this, and thankfully she never had an obstruction issue and lived a long, full life.

I still remember the first time I saw her bite an edge of bark and strip it off the branch and eat it. I was soooooo freaked out. LOL
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