Do you believe in evolution?

Agree with you 110%!! I believe that percentages more than the whole are possible. ;) And it's true, this thread was actually somewhat enjoyable to read. I like seeing what other people have to say, especially on a controversial subject. But then this happened: pure ignorance and totally derailed the civil, somewhat logical discussions that were occuring.

And I also came in to it:rolleyes:

You have contributed nothing to this thread whatsoever

And this is why I was just going to stay out of the thread. My view besides just seeing and believing in evolution contributes jack to the thread. But, when you start talking biblical and ancient texts, well, that is a whole different story:p

Id still love to know how its proven the bible is the best document and passes all the "tests" way above any other ancient documents that were written well before the bible and even some of them in the bible. Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian etc etc texts are just that. They are translated to say what was written because they were discovered and translated much later in history and were not sculpted in a way to control people.
Im guilty of giving that post weight by responding too (embarrassed, sorry mods) Why dont those of us who are leaving religion out of it as the OP smartly requested, agree from here on, to simply ignore post like that? Im enjoying the more intelligent discussion too, given time, more open minded folks might share their thoughts if we dont allow it to get deleted :)
Sorry, it was probably my fault for responding to it to begin with. This is why I was trying to stay out of this completely from the beginning. Just couldn't help myself...I'll be good now. :rolleyes:
Everything that exists owes it's existance to Him. That being said, it is interesting to hear everybody's beliefs and I do not judge anybody by them. Thank you and God Bless.:D
Yeah, mods can delete my posts if they like. Im not sure I want everyone to think I am not right in the head. Which is the truth:D
Yes. One of the better examples of evolution in recorded human history, amongst other recorded bacteria infections and diseases, is Syphilis.
Absolutely Chamthought, and for that matter, various strains of flu mutating at an amazing rate, perhaps in response to vaccines. Excellent example.
Aren't they making a super flu vaccine? Or am I just weird and dreamt that? I dream weird things that could happen, but only when given the specific circumstances... :) ;)

I would love to continue an adult, respectful communication surrounding religion, but that is impossible on the boards. Plus, debates/conversations usually end up being childish out of frustration from both parties.
Aren't they making a super flu vaccine? Or am I just weird and dreamt that? I dream weird things that could happen, but only when given the specific circumstances... :) ;)

I would love to continue an adult, respectful communication surrounding religion, but that is impossible on the boards. Plus, debates/conversations usually end up being childish out of frustration from both parties.

What people need to understand is that not everyone has or will ever have the same beliefs, but that is our right. I do not judge anyone because they do not have the same beliefs as I, and I never try to push my beliefs on anyone. I actually enjoy reading about the various beliefs we all have and why people believe that way. I for one love Jesus Christ with all my heart and have put Him first in my life before everyone and everything, but I also understand not everyone can or will do that.
Ha ha, okay, i was just responding to part of a post ,
"I would love to continue an adult, respectful communication surrounding religion, but that is impossible on the boards. Plus, debates/conversations usually end up being childish out of frustration from both parties" , but i guess pssh was right. Please delete my post if it offended anyone. God Bless:D
Nobody is offended Sam.
The title of the thread leads with a question 'do you believe in evolution',
which automatically invites opposing views, which of course will inevitably
involve some discussion of religion belief, despite the OP asking people refrain from it,
which is like beginning a discussion about 9/11 and expecting people not to share their
conspiracy ideas.
Wherever there are opposing and strongly held beliefs about anything, people will confuse discussion with debate.
The thread might have been better titled 'science and the changing world-questions', or similar, and then include your request to refrain from a particular line of discussion.
A better media for discussion of evolution is probably a forum devoted specifically to the subject.
This thread appears to have died a natural death as is expected.
I enjoyed the more open minded aspects of it and thank all those who posted.
I would like to extend an apology to ABbuggin for my uncharacteristic response,
I may not agree with what you say but you have every right to say it, im sorry.
Kara, perhaps you could choose less controversial topics, you are an intelligent girl and its clear you enjoy a good discussion.
Im sure there many subjects on which you could hold your own, if you can come up with a neutral subject that involves science, I'll look forward to joining in.
cheers :)
All the best ones are controversial ;)

The thread remained on topic for longer than I thought it would. I suppose using the word believe was not the smartest idea.

Thanks to all you who posted. It was very interesting to see everyone's point of view, regardless of how much schooling you may or may not have regarding the subject.
I for one also believe in evolution over creation it just seems more logical in my opinion. As for religion I feel there is alot to be desired in today's religion for the most part. It seems to have turned more into a big business then just a group of people getting together to study a book and be social. I have actually been to several types of churches and studied a bit on several types of religion and I must say Wiccan was one I rather enjoyed. Being close to nature and enjoying what is here on our beautiful planet was very close to my heart. I also really enjoyed reading about the Dead Sea Scrolls. If you believe in something that has created everything in this universe wouldn't it make since that the presence is everywhere and not just in a building? Or should I rather say that you don't have to go to a certain building to believe in that existence.
But then again I also believe that being gay is something you are born with not a choice and that men and women should be equals lol.

(Mods feel free to delete if this is out of line)
Oh, are we back? I thought the thread had been left to die...

I'll just note that science is now capable of creating genes and DNA synthetically.

However, they still have not created life. I don't count transplanting material into a bacteria because, by that standard a heart transplant is creating life. (do not try to tell me that when they took the heart out of the recipient he was not, by every definition we now have, dead...but then, they hook up the new heart and he's alive!)

We don't have as good a grasp on "death" as we like to think. People are routinely brought back from what would normally be certified as "dead". So, I have no qualms with believing (yes, believing) that the bacteria used in the recreation of life was still imbued with LIFE.

As we have yet to create life without using something that had already been alive, I don't think we get credit for "creation".
I thought I'd add my two cents on the evolution/creation debate. People seem to think that either one or the other is what happened. If evolution happened, than it wasn't creation; If it was creation, than there was no evolution, but I think it is a combination of the two. Although life has obviously progressed from one form to another over the coarse of the fossil record, the irreducable complexity found in life makes it hard to believe for me that it was a random process. I explained earlier in this thread the process behind what makes a retinal cell sensitive to light. If you take one step out, it doesn't just make it not work as well. It makes completely nonfunctional. That raises the question as to how so many steps could have come together all at the same time simply by random chance. Another example is the difference between the reptilian ear and the mammalian ear. In the reptilian ear, there is a single bone that amplifies the sound hitting the ear drum. I mammals there are two additional bones that correspond to what are jaw bones in reptiles. In order to get from one to the other, the bones would have to detatch from the jaw and start intruding into the middle ear. The bones detatching from the jaw would leave the function of the jaw impaired and the intrusion into the ear would impair hearing since the bones need to be positioned just right to funtion, so how would the animals during the transition have been able to survive? Now ask the question where new genes come from to make new structures. People talk about genetic mutations like they make the gene start doing something different that it wasn't doing before, but what really happens is the gene just ceases to function at all. You see that as a change in the animal with the mutation, but it's not from the gene causing something new to happen, it's from the genes effect on the animal having been removed. People also see changes in animals many times and assume it's a mutation when really it's just a different combination of genes that already existed in the species gene pool. That's why when humans selectively breed an organism, they can change the traits of the organism, but only to a certain point. An example is that many different of colors of roses can be selectively bred, but you can't breed a blue rose. The genes that create all the different colors of roses you see were already in the gene pool of roses in different combinations in each individual plant, but there's no gene for blue to selectively breed for. To me, one clear piece of evidence for intelligence is DNA. DNA is complex encoded information. The information encoded is how to put together stable chains of proteines. That's why when a gene mutates, it stops functioning. The pieces that get put together no longer form a stable protein and they imediately fall apart. Now the only thing that has ever been shown to be able to produce complex information is an intelligent being doing it on purpose. To think that it's plausible for this information have come together randomly is like thinking that it's plausible for the presidents faces on Mount Rushmore to have formed through natural processes of erosion. On top of DNA needing to be so complex and specific to be fuctional, it also needs a living cell with all it's complex processes to carry out it's instructions. The living cell on the other hand also needs the DNA to have instructions to carry out to be functional. The way a cell reads DNA is also very complex. First an organelle goes to a specific section of DNA and untwists and splits the DNA apart. Then another organelle comes and builds a copy of the opened section. Yet another organelle then takes that copy and transports it to another organelle and feeds it in where a protein is built based on the order of the four different molecules that make up the base pairs of the DNA. Since the organelles themselves are formed using this process, you would have to say that a fully functioning cell spontaniously formed already containing DNA that just happened to have the information to build a new cell already in it. That just doesn't sound plausible to me. The complexity that is required for life and all it's different structures to function leads me to believe that each new structure and life itself had to have been planned and then put into place by an intellegence.
why does religion have to stay out of it when evolution itself is a religion? i will give my beliefs anyways. I do not believe in evolution in any way, shape or form, I have more respect for the human race that has been here since the beginning, than think i came from a biological "soup" or that we ascended and evolved from primates... um,,, looks like a great majority of primates got stuck in the evolution time warp :rolleyes: i have no intentions of giving any leeway to believe a man's theory he himself said was not real. there are way to many same animals that were recorded over 2 thousand years ago that still to this day are the exact same specimens recorded so long ago. Dinosaurs and dragons have been recorded living with man, (human beings, not prehistoric cave man), and since religion is not allowed in the conversation, it is recorded in cultures all around the world, not just the Bible. It is also been recorded of large lizard like animals within the last 100 years (resembling long-necked dinosaurs, pterodactyls). If Dinosaurs became extinct "Millions" of years old, than why are UNFOSSILIZED dinosaur bones being discovered in warmer and hotter areas that wouldn't be able to preserve them like that for millions of years?

I should clarify that adaptation is something completely different, and with the abuse the earth has taken from human destruction has forced things to adapt, and with that said i totally believe and support that. things also have the ability to adapt, and there is no time frame IMHO to say how long that takes. i know for a plant to adapt in sudden changes can take up to a week or two, not too long. as long as something has their initial requirements and adaptation doesnt have to take long at all, especially thousands to millions of years.

Theory is fine guys, and i respect everyones beliefs, but everyday when i look outside, everything beautiful and perfectly made like trees, grass, the oceans, animals, trees, clouds and the cosmos.. i know the big bang theory could never create that, everything that isnt man-made is perfectly made.

so.. how many hate me now? lol
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