Do you warm your reservoir for your misting system?


New Member
For me, my reservoir seems to be a bit cool. I was wondering if anyone heats theirs? I was thinking maybe just pop an aquarium heater in there, tune it to low 80's and have a warm mist that comes out.

Any thoughts?
I don't keep mine warm as such, but I put hot water in it so that the first misting after filling it comes out warm.

After that I suppose it'll be a cool mist but the lights probably warm it up to some degree as it comes out???

WHOA!!! That's creepy!!! Simba's mister just came on as I was typing this!!! LOL!!
I keep a submersible aquarium heater in my reservoir to keep the water fairly warm. The water can get pretty cold especially in the winter time. It's important that your chams get a misting of warm water in the morning.
You guys sold me on the submersible aquarium heater idea.
I just ordered one from :D

Why didn't I think of that sooner!!?? :eek:

This is why I love this forum, you guys are great!! :D

Another thing that made a HUGE difference was the addition of rain-dome, so it actually "rains" in the cage, not just a mist spraying out.
Now I actually SEE my guyz drink and enjoy getting under the rain.

I know they are going to LOVE having the water warmed up :)
I have been putting my reservoir on a heating pad, but that doesn't do much.
I have been putting my reservoir on a heating pad, but that doesn't do much.

That's what I thought too, but I figured I would fry a heat pad before I got it warm enough.

I'm going out for some T valves and extra nozzles today, so I'll have to pick one up. B)
Oh alright, alright!!! I'll get an aquarium heater for Simba's MistKing reservoir too!!

Talk about peer pressure!! :D:D:D
For any of you who are interested, Check the water temp in the supply tank and then the temp when the water comes out. My hubby proved to me how much heat the water loses as it goes through the tubing. Unless your supply tank is really close to the nozzle it is coming out, sorry but you are not spraying with warm water.:(

This is just based on my experience. Would love to hear number from other people.
I just did that about a month ago...
I placed an aquarium heater but I had some problems......
I didnt noticed until yesterday that water in the reserviour had a strange looking...
I touched the reserviour walls and it was slippery... and the water itself had some mushy whitey stuff floating (I always make sure that the water inside is clean, but I didnt see this until I got it out from under the cage)...
Warm water makes bacteria grow fast
(I used to add new water everyday, just enough, so it would be easier for the heater to really warm up the water)...
I had to take the reservoiour out and clean it really really good, and had it filled with new fresh water.

The warm water was great, as It didnt come out so cold on the mister...
I wont do this again... I hope this doesnt affects my cham...
If you do place an aquarium heater, make sure you use new freshwater everyday, and make sure the reserviour is nice and clean everyday.
Hmmmm I had wondered about the bacteria thing.

I refill the reservoir twice a week anyway so will monitor how the water looks and if I need to clean tank and change water more often than that then I will.

Warm water has to be more comfortable for the cham though. Should help with humidity too?

Trial an error, like most things eh?

Thanks for the tip Laurie. I know the water is cooler when it comes out as mist but I wasn't sure how much cooler.

Could those of you who use the heaters please advise what temp you have them set at which results in a warm mist?

Yes.. it helps with humidity... it wont come out warm tough...It will just come out normal and not freezing...
It actually depends on how warm/hot you are keeping it, and how far the noozle is from the reservoiour..
I dont know what temperature the water was.... In my case, I used to have it warm enough to feel it confortable when I touched it.

But, yes.. be careful about bacteria... make sure you have it completely empty every second day or so, clean it very well and fill it with water.... Do this at night so it will be hot once again in the morning :)
I have mine set at 88 and when I put my hand in there during the misting it is not 88 i am sure but it is comfortable. I tried it without it yesterday and I could tell a difference with the touch of my hand. May not be much but it was a difference. Of course our house temp is 68 and the room he is in always stays slightly cooler by a few degrees during the winter and slightly wamer in the summer because of the 20 foot sliding glass door i am sure. so I am sure it is warmer than room temp coming out.

I used a small power head on my smaller set up and that kept anything from building up. Maybe I will toss it in this one too, so it will help with that.
Yo guys dose it rain at 88f in Madagascar??

I bet the rain is nowhere near that!

I have tried both room temp and slightly hotter and I noticed that when having water that is 88 in the bucket come out around 80f or even lower as when it leaves the nozzle it rapidly cools and the further away your chameleon is from the nozzle the colder the water gets. The finer the spray the cooler the water becomes. To me it seems like my chams like the cooler water and drink move ov it when cooler.
I only have it set at 88 because I know it drops when it comes out. Waldo seems to prefer warmer than cooler so I go with it. If I don't put warm water in the hand mister he will run but if I put warmer water in he sits and drinks while I spray. Different strokes for different chams I guess.
I only have it set at 88 because I know it drops when it comes out. Waldo seems to prefer warmer than cooler so I go with it. If I don't put warm water in the hand mister he will run but if I put warmer water in he sits and drinks while I spray. Different strokes for different chams I guess.

I try to replicate the natural conditions for where the Cham originates? Yes all chams are different but that's only for captive bread, all wild chams can only cope with what the heavens put down to them hot cold warm,
I originally ordered an aquarium heater but it was a little too long so I went with an under tank heating pad that has adhesive on one side. I stuck it to the outside of my 4 gallon AquaZamp reservoir keeping the water about 10 degrees or so above ambient
For me, my reservoir seems to be a bit cool. I was wondering if anyone heats theirs? I was thinking maybe just pop an aquarium heater in there, tune it to low 80's and have a warm mist that comes out.

Any thoughts?

Well, I've never heated the water. The tank is one of those "camping" tanks that is supposed to prevent bacterial growth and I use black tubing to keep down that risk but never wanted to take that chance. The water stays at/near room temp which is pretty consistently 70f. The mist comes out around the same temp because the lines are in the same area as the tank and along the back of the heated cham housing. I figure the temp is ok because the air is warm at the top where Rambo remains all the time and the mist is warmed some as it comes out. Sometimes he licks the leaves after it has warmed up a bit. He gets into the spray sometimes and moves off away from it others so I guess he decides if it's too cold or not!? :rolleyes:
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