Do you warm your reservoir for your misting system?

I just started doing the submersible heater about a month ago. Seems to make Loki want to get misted more
I use a submersible aquarium heater. The warmer the water the more likely my Jacksons and panthers are to sit under or move closer to the mist in my experience
I try to replicate the natural conditions for where the Cham originates? Yes all chams are different but that's only for captive bread, all wild chams can only cope with what the heavens put down to them hot cold warm,

My only problem with this, and this goes for all the animals in my care (which is 6 ball pythons, 5 leopard geckos, 1 AFT, and 1 3 toed box turtle), is that they are NOT wild smart animals. They are captive bred, captive born, captive raised and have never once spent a day in the wild. To me, that means they don't deserve to be stuck with wild conditions and "replicating" the wild. I feel we should be doing everything in our power to create the perfect habitat with all optimal conditions. Perhaps that's not the best idea, but you certainly shouldn't through a python in the enclosure with your cham just so it gets exercise and they "would experience it in the wild anyway".

Thanks for all the replies, guys! I personally use a dark blue 5 gallon bucket for my reservoir with lid to help discourage the growth of bacteria as well as the black tubing provided by MistKing. Just a tip, when I kept fish a long time ago, I thought they had ratings for the heaters like "designed for use in a X gallon tank". I would say, try to find one that is suited for the "tank size" your reservoir is! :)
No idea. I think hubby might have to help with this one! Lol :D

Apparently it is 220v we have so I'll get this one ordered :)

Also ordered some digital scales so I can start weighing him regularly too :)
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After reading this thread, I have decide to take mine out for a few days and see if I can tell a difference. I did not even think about breeding bacteria with the heated water in a closed container. Less things plugged in the better....we shall see :)
I have used the heater in my bucket for 6 weeks now, I use a dark blue 5 gal bucket and I keep it covered so NO light gets in. I purchased the heater at Petco for $28.00 and if comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY. The heater has a built in t-stat so it can be set to the desired temp. I am not trying to get the water hot just a little warmer then room temp. My chams do not run from the mister like they did before I put the heater in. I have had no,nada zippo slime in the bucket so far but still clean it just to be on the safe side.:D:D:D
As Simba is still shedding I filled his reservoir with hot water just before it was due to mist.

When the mister came on, the mist was warm and he walked straight over to sit on his branch right in the mist, then after a couple of minutes, even went over to his plant and had a nice drink too.

I really think it'll be worth having the heater in there for him. He seems to prefer the warmer water.
Should get here this week.

His resevoir tank is in the cabinet underneath his enclosure so gets no light whatsoever. Shouldn't have too much trouble with bacteria build up I dont think.

I'm still going to clean the whole thing once or twice a week with the anti bac viv cleaner I reckon tho (including the Mist King Filter!) obviously rinsing thoroughly before I put his drinking water through it ;)
If you use a temperature infrared on the water coming out of the misting nozzle with heated verses non heated water, I think you wll find a minimal difference.

I tried the heater in the tank, and it was a waste of money.
If you use a temperature infrared on the water coming out of the misting nozzle with heated verses non heated water, I think you wll find a minimal difference.

I tried the heater in the tank, and it was a waste of money.

The only problem with that is that a temp gun may not be able to read the water correctly. I may do some test and catch the water and test it. I still don't think the temp gun could read it, but read the cup being warmed by the water.
The only problem with that is that a temp gun may not be able to read the water correctly. I may do some test and catch the water and test it. I still don't think the temp gun could read it, but read the cup being warmed by the water.

Just doing the "feel" test I can gaurantee that it makes a difference in the temperature of the mist. Maybe the mist in the beginning of the session is cool because it has to travel through cool tubes. However, I mist for 5 to 12 minutes and after 30 seconds or so, so water is noticeably warmer.
I agree!

Just by feeling it with your hand the mist is definitely warmer if the water in the reservoir tank is heated!

Plus, Simba always did his best to get out of the mist when the water was cold.
Like I said earlier, when using the heated water he actually went and sat in it!

It may not be a huge difference but there definitely is one and if Simba prefers it then I'm still going to go with using the heater.

I know I'd prefer a luke warm shower to a cold one first thing in the morning!! LOL :D:D
I would argue that small differences in temperature are more important to a cold blodded cham who depends on the environment for warmth, as compared to us who generate our heat internally. Something that is just a little warmer to us could be dramatically more comfortable to a chameleon :D

At the end of the day, I love warm showers, and I will do my best to give that pleasure to my chameleo buddies !
I would argue that small differences in temperature are more important to a cold blodded cham who depends on the environment for warmth, as compared to us who generate our heat internally. Something that is just a little warmer to us could be dramatically more comfortable to a chameleon :D

At the end of the day, I love warm showers, and I will do my best to give that pleasure to my chameleo buddies !

Again, i agree! ;)
Heater arrived today :)

Now it's just a case of plugging it in and monitoring the water temps I suppose (In reservoir tank and the resulting mist)

Will start at 80F in the tank and go from there. (Don't want mist to end up too hot/cold)
U guyz who are getting the bacteria, are U using distilled water?
I dont mean filtered, I mean DISTILLED (big difference) and STILL growing
bacteria??!! :confused:

Also, seems like you would have to get the water pretty warm or it will be room temp by the time it comes out the nozzle!!??
My line is pretty short, maybe that will help.

There are UV anti-bacteria lights U can buy, dont know anything about them, will do some research ;)
Heater arrived today :)

Now it's just a case of plugging it in and monitoring the water temps I suppose (In reservoir tank and the resulting mist)

Will start at 80F in the tank and go from there. (Don't want mist to end up too hot/cold)

Well 80F is no good. That must be around what the room temp is because the heater went off, and so the water cooled before mister had chance to come on.

Going to set heater at 88/90F See if that keeps the water from cooling.

I knew it'd be a case of trial an error with this till its right! :rolleyes:
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