Does anyone have some knowledge on this?


New Member
So my female Jackson usually doesn't like being handled but the other day I went to try to take her outside and she crawled right into my hand without going really dark, I took her outside and she just calmly sat there and turned this crazy green. She has never been completely green, just recently I noticed her slightly turning green in her encloser but she's always been a light brown with dark brown patterns. According to the pet store she was a juvenile when I got her but she definitely wasn't a baby, she has gotten a little bit bigger but I think she's close to full grown. I've pretty much eliminated every stress factor in her enclosure after doing hours of research (still doing research trying to give her the best possible life I can) so I'm just curious as to why she would almost instantly turn this color right when I take her outside? I tried taking her out about a week ago and just freaked out turning black and crawling all over the place


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yeah it was like 85 and humid. I'm from Wisconsin so she hasn't seen this weather probably since she was born. My digital thermometer says her basking spot is 78-83 on average and her ambient temp 68-75. Is it normal for her to have red around her eyes? Other then the red color rings around them they look fine, she also has that red coloration on her sides so do you think it just be her colors? She constantly displays these reds
im not a pro at all so dont take my word. but id try raising the temp just by a little and the red showing i wouldn't let it bother you
Are you keeping it dark at night time? Like no red lights, trying to let the temp go down to mimic the temp drop in the wild?

Does she pace her cage a lot? She could be gravid/need a laying bin....

There are so many things that could be going on....
Temps are definitely to low. You need to raise it to 83-85 depending on her age. Once she is an adult you want it closer to 85-90. Granted I haven’t owned a Cham yet but from all my research this is what I have found.
Don't worry about a laying bin for Jackson's they are one of the few that have live birth. Instead she should have a branch with rough bark that sits at an angle ~45˚ angle in her cage. This way should she need to she can deposit her young on the slopping branch and the rough bark and gravity will tear open the membrane in which they are born.
The temperatures are different for Jackson's as well. From the Jackson's care sheet:
Baby/juvenile (<9 months): 70-75F (21-23C) ambient, 75-80F (23-26C) basking
Adult: 70-80F (21-26C) ambient, 82-85F (29C) basking"
As for her color she looks like a red phase female. It just shows up in some juvenile Jackson's more often females than males and they eventually out grow it and become more green. Look up threads on the topic and you will find some pictures.
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