Does my veiled cham want a friend?


New Member
I've got a veiled chameleon who is around 4 months old now and i was wondering if anyone knows how well they enjoy the company of another veiled? I know i've read a few places that they like being alone but i cant help but to think he gets lonely in his cage. Whether it be male or female, any thoughts?
Honestly, they love eachother so much, they just might kill eachother. Or die of stress. Bit dramatic, but the point is, they HATE companionship. Serioulsy.

Very Solitary Animals.

But Wicked Awesome :D
I've got a veiled chameleon who is around 4 months old now and i was wondering if anyone knows how well they enjoy the company of another veiled? I know i've read a few places that they like being alone but i cant help but to think he gets lonely in his cage. Whether it be male or female, any thoughts?

Chams are by nature solitary. Both sexes are territorial and would see any other cham as either a rival, an intruder, or a potential mate. If you try housing a male/female pair together the female will be harassed constantly by the male which can result in illness or death. In the wild, two chams can choose how close or how far away they stay from each other. In a cage...they can't regardless how big humans think the cage is.

You really can't overlay your human sense for company on a reptile. We are social things, chams are not. They don't get "lonely".
Definitely don't get him a friend. lol. I actually read somewhere that somebody caught a lizard from outside because they thought it would keep their new chameleon company...They came back a few hours later and the cham ate the lizard. They aren't the friendliest animals and would much rather be alone than anything. :)
Honestly, its a bad idea always. I saw this video on youtube of an idiot who decided to put his female with a larger, much larger male, and he ate her. In the video you literally see the other chameleons tail hanging out of his mouth. its awful, they don't enjoy humans (for the most part, although they become comfortable with you with time) much less another chameleon lol all around though, bad idea. Most of the times the stress will kill them before the chameleon will. No one wants a dead chameleon. :(
Bad Idea

When I had my first veileds, I thought that since they were so small I could split the cage into 2. My male broke into the females side of the cage and pushed her out of the tree breaking her legs. So I would not put 2 of them in the same cage.
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