My Jackson(F) Chameleon Basil recently got a cage upgrade. The cage I had for her were screen walls and ceiling and the bottom lever kept popping out. And she loved to escape. After two scares of her escaping I thought it was time. I got her a bigger glass cage, a few new(chameleon safe) plants, and a little net for her to hang onto. But ever since she’s been in her new cage she’s took a total turn. She used to love climbing around. On the walls, ceiling, plants, her fountain, and her favorite thing would be to crawl on me when I let her. She used to be a bright yellow and would chow down on as many roaches I would give her(around 12 small ones or 6 medium ones every other day). Now she is always a greenish-grey, doenst move from her one spot, and is down to only 1-2 roaches a day. I also haven’t seen her poop in her new cage yet. She’s been in it for around a week now, the only changes from her old cage to now is she has more humidity(vet said she needed more), no screens to climb on, and more density in her plants. But I’m worried she is stressed about the new environment. Does anyone know how long this stress will last? I have the pics of her old cage vs her new one. (Ignore the basil leaves in her old cage, it was for an inside joke and it’s the only picture I have if the cage…). The question is if I just let her get used to it on her down or do I need to make some more(or less) changes?