Does this indicate a stressed chameleon

We tried getting him to talk to a therapist but he just shotgunned two monsters, threw a chair out a window, and stormed out of the room like hulk hogan if he were a hormonal teenager.


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He’s cute with his little angry can you take him seriously lol!
He is a charmer but I dare not to call his bluff.

He put on a show at the last vet visit when the tech was trying to get him to stay on the perch to weigh him. He kept making jail breaks and probably would have qualified for the ambilobe Olympic team for 5 meter dash.
They were shocked on how fast he moved in comparison to their other Chameleon patients.

He ended up getting put into a small Tupperware so he couldn't escape the dreaded scale.

He is the polar opposite of all the videos of chams moving in hyper slow mo. Especially when I bring out the feeding cup. Lightning quick.
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