Does Turq's leg look wavy?


New Member
I picked up Turq a week ago from a guy selling him on Craigslist and have been extremely happy with his condition even though his previous owner didn't really take proper care of him. Luckily he was only with him 4 months!

I was taking pictures of him today and once uploaded, noticed that one picture appears to show a bit of a wavy leg, although I'm not certain if its the angle or MBD.

This first one looks wavy but the second and third, not so much. Any thoughts?



I think you're seeing his arm muscles and they're making you think his leg isn't straight. But everything looks very normal to me too. I also think he's handsome!
Ahhhhh, whew! Thanks everyone! You don't know how happy that makes me right now. I lost my veiled girl this morning, which came as a shock with its suddeness! I'm not sure I could handle more bad news.

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