Drainage question for someone with an exo terra glass terrarium

Ok so Loki is in an exo terra glass terrarium. I got an automatic mister for him and it works awesome....my only problem is drainage......I thought about putting some mesh at the bottom of the terrarium with some sort of container to collect the run off but I don't see a way to easily be able to then get it out to empty it....since the doors to the terrarium don't go all the way to the bottom.....but I am ending up with water in the bottom that essentially just sits there creating issues (of course I don't let it sit there, right now I am soaking it up with towels but that's really not a great answer)

Anyone have any awesome drainage ideas?????????
Yea get a special glass drill bit and attach one of these types of plugs/ drains near the bottom of the cage. Leave a little space below the drain so its less likely to get clogged.


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