Dubia Roaches


New Member
Just started feeding my panther chameleon dubia roaches today. Does he get as many as he wants? About the same as you would feed crickets? What should I feed the roaches so they are packed with nutrition? :)
Hopefully someone else will chime in, but how old is your cham? Are you feeding him the appropriate size? I use cricket crack, lots of wholesome cereal and fresh veggies three times a week. My male panther is a year old today and I give him 5-8 roughly every other day. I don't want him fat, but definitely not skinny either. I love dubia

There are some people on here that have amazing recipes for Roach chow and really know a lot about diet, much more so than myself. Try searching chow or resipe or Roach. Diet and your bound to run into some great info
My chameleon is young, under 6 months? A recipe for roach chow would be great. I put baby cereal, dog food and orange slices in there, oh and poultry feed.
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