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I got a new girl for my ambi boy Armand over the weekend only to have her develop edema the very next day... She looked a little plump along her back legs when I got her but from the size of her head fat pads and knowing she just dropped a clutch I figured it was due to baby weight and over feeding. The next day tho I peeked in on her only to see her neck swollen up on both sides. I read up on it and it seems that a cut back on supplements-I tend to believe the previous owner was over doing the cal cause he thinks she may have a second fertile clutch coming in- along with a generous ammout if water and some natural sun should help her to flush her system. She is eating, drinking, and active so I'm not too worried at this point (if you think that's overconfident of me, pls say). I just want advice from people who have experienced this- any secrets or things you have done to help with the swelling? I'm not against going to the vet but I am trying to avoid it at this point. As sweet as she is im not excited about a huge vet bill less than a week after getting her >.<

Any advice would be very appreciated!
i have a wc quad female that has problems with gular edema, if she so much as see's to many supplements her neck swells up crazy.
i have reduced suppliments to calcium every other feeding, and reptivite 1 or 2 times a month on 1 feeding.
i only feed her 4 days a week
it has helped alot
So are some individuals more prone to edema than others you think? I hope this is not a reoccurring problem- will it affect her negatively health wise? Like should I be extra careful with breeding her?
i cant really give you a good anwser to the breeding but it has seemed to be an ongoing issue that if not treated with propor care pops right back up. i never seen it bother my girl really in any way but can/is a sing of other possible issues, ( from what i know )
if it just started. i think you can reverse quite easily. watch what you gut load with and only supplement plain phos free calcium for the time being. try to keep away from preformed vitA and any animal proteins at the moment till signs go away..
I gutload with crickets and dubia with ccrack, carrots, kale, col greens, spring mix, occasional bee pollen, bannas and other fruit that's left over. Never anything with animal products so that shouldn't be a prob. And I was going to cut back to LIGHT cal w/o D3 dusting every three days but I'm a little worried cause of her previous clutch and possibility of a new clutch forming. I don't want to deprive her either...
i honestly don't believe supplementing with plain calcium will further condition. i would just stick to that and stay away from what has been mentioned.
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