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Mega rays are MV (mercury vapor) and produce a UV wavelength similar to nature sunlight. Zoo med reptisun 5.0 are florescent tubes that produce a UV wavelength similar to nature shade.
If 5.0's were even close to what chams need we wouldn't have to supplement with D3.
The difference is a MV bulb is a spot or flood lamp similar to a ray of sunlight. That gives the animal choice of UV intensity... they can move in and out of the direct light.
Like they do in the wild
Mega Ray produces a MV and MH. MH is the new lamp that is coming out. MH produces a 'better' spectrum if I am not mistaken?
The low output is intended for users such as us or bird keepers.
A chameleon can go in and out of light from a Reptisun just as they can a MV or MH. It isn't the way the light is projected, it is the light that is projected but of course the more natural the better...