Egg Hatching Time


New Member
Hi All,

You may have seen in some of my previous threads that I'm eagerly awaiting my first Chameleon (Panther). The guy in the shop who breeds them was expecting them to hatch 2 weeks ago but they still haven't. Does the extended time that they're taking to hatch indicate anything such as poor health etc etc??
i have mitsio eggs which are now 10months and 22 days! i am so.... frustrated! my veileds avrage 7 months never longer then 8.5 months but panthers are all over
Ok, I'm probably missing something, or overlooked it, but speaking from experience I'm going to throw this out there. Even if they hatched 2 weeks ago that is very, very young to get one. Hatchlings are incredibly hard to keep going. Most experienced keepers do not recommend getting a baby under the age of three months, and even then is they aren't big enough it can be chancy.
If I misread this, sorry, but I recently lost 2 or 4 shipped to me at the age of 6 weeks and I've raised happy healthy hatchlings for a while now.

Ok, so that's my two cents, :p
Thanks for all the replies guys!!

Sharlaxle - I've mentioned in my previous threads that the breeder will not sell them until they are 3/4 months old and of a certain size.

Still getting very excited though!!! :)
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