Eggs not hatching


New Member
Ok I have about 20 veiled eggs left and and no site of hatching what so ever.....these were layed on June 3rd. one hatched about 2 months ago and only lived for about 5 days.... it drank quite a bit but no eating and never opened his eyes.... it seems one at a time these eggs are starting to fuzz up and eventually dry up and die.... can anyone give me any ideas on what I may do to try and get these guys to hatch or is it a no win situation? I will post pics if needed... thanks all.
It doesn't sound good...I know the only time I have ever had fuzzy eggs is when they were dead (mine were from being unfertile). Did they ever sweat and start to shrink? It isn't uncommon for one or two to hatch early, but the fuzz is a definate problem. Can you post some pics.

-chris Veiled eggs were laid on June 15, 2007. They just hatch this week. My very first batch of chameleon eggs went fuzzy because of too much humidity...babies drown and die. Try to get more ventilation for those eggs. I incubate my eggs in the closet...range from 65 - 80 for 8 months before they hatch.
Ill get some pictures up after teh kids got o school, I have them in the closet at about 65to 75 tops.... they are in a plastic shoe box type container, the same one i had when i had 8 hatch out last year.... I also have a clutch i believe to be infertile they are very clear looking and orangish... as if they never properly calcified......ill get pics of those as well...
Ok here are the pics of the eggs i have left... these are the ones in which were layed on june 6th of some of these eggs that were fuzzy and starting to shrivel i wanted to see if they were fully developed inside adn all have been thus far...

No I haven't cut it open it is the latest one to get fuzzy and start to shrivel, I am certain if i do there will be a fully developed little one in there who didn't make it....
Ren...I have similar problem with fuzzy when i use vermiculite. I was so pissed off that I switch to i have 100% hatching rate.
Ren said..."No I haven't cut it open it is the latest one to get fuzzy and start to shrivel, I am certain if i do there will be a fully developed little one in there who didn't make it"....that's what I would expect to find too.

I have been trying to find information on what causes this for quite some time now. My original "take" on this was that they were taking on too much water (perhaps from the environment around them being too moist) and not getting rid of it at the end like they should which led to suffocation. Its supported by the sites I've listed below. I'm not sure its the only possibility.

Other people's opinions...
"Too much water surrounding the eggs will just cause them to burst prematurely or will drown the embryos, whereas too high temperature will be the cause of stillborns and deformities"...

Funny...this is a direct quote from an article written by Francois Le Berre, so it looks like the person above should have said that it was taken from the article and not thoughts of his/her own...
"Too much water surrounding the eggs will just cause them to burst prematurely or will drown the embryos, whereas too high temperature will be the cause of stillborns and deformities."

"looks like it was too damp in your incubation box,causing the egg shell to become like rubber"....
I currently have 2 clutches incubating right now, do you guys think i should change over to perlite now and try to hatch these out or do you think the damage may be with them now as well? If so is it reversible at this point? they still have a few months to go...
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