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My female was laying, and when I looked at her again, I saw her covering up, padding down the hole she was in. I thought she was finishing up, then I noticed a huuuuge tube connected to her, thinking prolapse, I've had one female prolapse before, but this is huuuge! and it's not all bloody red, just red towards her vent... the tube is very clear, only has soil on it.


crazy looking, something from friggin' aliens :eek:
That looks terrible! I would get her out of there and into a sterile container with paper towels and call a vet immediately. Keep the prolapsed tissue moist, but don't try to get any of the dirt off.

It honestly doesn't look good :(
Yet, i still dont know what will happen, ill let you guys know, im just talking stupidly cuz im so upset, i had a female die the other day.... f#ck!
Get some KY jelly or vaseline on that to keep it from drying out. Get her into a clean secure container. Keep her warm. Get her to a vet immediately. Does look like a prolapse of some kind. I read an article recently about a reptile with such a prolapse that was saved by the vet. So, it is perhaps possible to save her.

Let us know how it goes.
Yet, i still dont know what will happen, ill let you guys know, im just talking stupidly cuz im so upset, i had a female die the other day.... f#ck!

Glad you are taking her to the vet. If nothing else, put damp paper towel on her to keep that area from drying out.

I understand. That would totally freak me out too.
Wow that's a bad one I feel for you and her. The vet wont be able to do anything with that I would make her as comfortable as possible. I know when my chameleon went to the vet he put ice on it in an effort to shrink it.
Wow...that is bad in comparison to what I have seen. So sorry for you and her.

I actually had a snake do that and it was 3 days before the vet could see her (murphy's law for me) as he was out of town. Sugar water (heavy sugar) or provided tissue is moist (caught early enough) sugar straight on the tissue, actually brings the swelling down. It was quite the ordeal to put everything back in her, with 1 stitch and she is doing great now. This was almost 2 years ago; however she can never be a breeder again as chances are she'd do it again.

Best wishes and hoping you have an awesome vet that might be able to do the same for you guys.
I feel terrible I'm sorry that happened but it's not your fault its good to know your doing everything you can.
o Gosh!!! :eek:
Keep it wet, and the sugar water advice is good as well.
Please keep us updated with the vet visit... I hope she will be able to make it through.
I hope all goes well with her I know you haven't had much luck lately with the girls. I sure do home she makes it.

Yeah.. I know this is kinda late... and Juli already said it.. but you need to put KY jelly on her organs and keep them moist...

I hope she is able to get her organs back inside... Good luck!
Omg! im soooo sorry! that just isnt fair! little cham just trying to get a couple eggs out, why couldnt this have happened to that octomom!
poor little thing ,you must be so frightened for her.hope things go better at the vets than you are expecting,good luck
Yeah.. I know this is kinda late... and Juli already said it.. but you need to put KY jelly on her organs and keep them moist...

I hope she is able to get her organs back inside... Good luck!

Sandy said it-have we heard anything on the outcome?
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