Enclosure Feedback - Dragon Strand, MistKing, and Zoo Med


Avid Member
Took a few pictures of my Chameleon enclosure today while doing some cleaning. Thought I'd share them here for feedback.

Here's a frontal view. It's a Dragon Strand Atrium enclosure (w/ Dragon Ledges and Drip-Easy drainage system) as well as a few other accessories from MistKing and Zoo Med. The UVB light fixture is a Zoo Med ReptiSun LED UVB (with a ReptiSun 5.0 T5 High Out bulb). I usually have 2 basking heat lamps on top, but I took 1 down to take pictures of the MistKing nozzles. Each lamp has a different wattage bulb so my Chameleon can choose the appropriate basking temperature. (y)

The plants are all Pothos. They're potted in BYGEL wall organizer containers from IKEA. I usually have 10 of them in the enclosure, but only 6 are in the picture (because I'm cleaning the enclosure while taking these pictures). Each container has gravel at the bottom with potting soil in the middle and river rocks on top. They attach perfectly to the Dragon Ledges.

This is a MistKing 5-port manifold. Port 1 is the input from the pump; which is attached to a 3-gallon bucket in the stand below the enclosure. Port 2 feeds the Left sprayer. Port 3 feeds the Adjustable Rain Nozzle. Port 4 feeds the Right sprayer. Port 5 is capped. The manifold is attached to the frame of the enclosure with screws to prevent noise, vibrations, etc.

The Left and Right sprayers each have Ball Valve and Screen Top Wedge accessories. The Ball Valves allow me to turn each sprayer on/off individually; which allows me to do things like run the Adjustable Rain Nozzle by itself. The Screen Top Wedges made the installation simple and resulted in a finished product that looks OEM.

The Adjustable Rain Nozzle is also fitted with a Ball Valve, so I can turn it on/off individually. It sits in-between the 2 heat lamps and simulates rainfall in a 12" diameter circle right in the middle of the enclosure... Sort of like a rainfall shower head for my Chameleon. :D

I appreciate any/all feedback... Thanks!
I absolutely LOVE the BYGEL wall organizer containers from IKEA. Neat idea. I'm soon to upgrade to a larger cage and am getting a Dragon Strand cage as well. I was going to put some live plants in tiny little pots in my new cage and mount em up on the walls with
Great Stuff Pond and Stone Foam but your idea looks a lot easier and cleaner. That, and I'd be able to take the plant in and out of the cage if I needed to for whatever reason, maybe to clean it or new soil or switch it up or something. You got a link to those by chance and do they come in different size hanging pots or is it just the one size? Please let me know
Looks great! I've been eyeballing that rain nozzle for the Mistking for a few weeks now. How has your chameleon taken to it?
Thanks for the feedback folks... I appreciate it! (y)

Very nice! Lucky chameleon! What is the size of the cage though?

The Dragon Strand Atrium enclosure is: 28.5″ wide, 29.5″ high, and 18″ deep.

I absolutely LOVE the BYGEL wall organizer containers from IKEA. Neat idea. I'm soon to upgrade to a larger cage and am getting a Dragon Strand cage as well. I was going to put some live plants in tiny little pots in my new cage and mount em up on the walls with
Great Stuff Pond and Stone Foam but your idea looks a lot easier and cleaner. That, and I'd be able to take the plant in and out of the cage if I needed to for whatever reason, maybe to clean it or new soil or switch it up or something. You got a link to those by chance and do they come in different size hanging pots or is it just the one size? Please let me know

Here's the link for the BYGEL containers - http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10271091/. I believe they're only available in one size. They work really well for plants with vines that can be routed around the enclosure. I'm very happy with the way it all turned out.

Looks great! I've been eyeballing that rain nozzle for the Mistking for a few weeks now. How has your chameleon taken to it?

My Chameleon seems to like the rain nozzle better than the standard misters. I can only speculate this based on the fact that he doesn't run away from the large drops that develop and fall from the screen top like he does from the standard mister spray. Also, when the system turns on with all 3 sprayers enabled he always runs to the middle of the enclosure (where the rain nozzle is located).
My Chameleon seems to like the rain nozzle better than the standard misters. I can only speculate this based on the fact that he doesn't run away from the large drops that develop and fall from the screen top like he does from the standard mister spray. Also, when the system turns on with all 3 sprayers enabled he always runs to the middle of the enclosure (where the rain nozzle is located).

My guy also seems to much prefer being misted from the top so I think I'll go with the rain nozzle when I set up my system. I'm sure a gentle rain feels a lot better than being shot from the side.
Here's the link for the BYGEL containers - http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10271091/. I believe they're only available in one size. They work really well for plants with vines that can be routed around the enclosure. I'm very happy with the way it all turned out.

I went to the link and it says "Sorry, this product is not for sale on our website or over the phone, check if it is available in your local store. Stock availability may not be accurate on IKEA Food items."

did you order yours recently or was it long ago that you got them? hmmm....... on that link it says they are $0.99 a piece..... is that what you paid for them?

I see they have them on Amazon as well, but for a whole whole lot more $$$. Ebay has them too for $2.00 per container. please comment back here or send me a PM and let me know. I'd really like to get my hands on some of these.
Hmm, that's odd... I bought the ones I have about a month ago (from the IKEA in Burbank, CA). I paid $0.99 each.
you see where it says that tho? u see what I'm talking about? I'm sure you had to pay shipping too.... so if i get em at $2 a pop on Ebay then it's kinda like the same thing. maybe they are out of stock. I dont need them until March or April so I will check it again around that time. thanks.
you see where it says that tho? u see what I'm talking about? I'm sure you had to pay shipping too.... so if i get em at $2 a pop on Ebay then it's kinda like the same thing. maybe they are out of stock. I dont need them until March or April so I will check it again around that time. thanks.

For me, it shows them as available... Not sure why it doesn't show the same for you. Maybe try changing your location?

Also, I bought them in-person at a local IKEA store (located in Burbank, CA).

Worst case scenario, $2 a piece isn't too bad.
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For me, it shows them as available... Not sure why it doesn't show the same for you. Maybe try changing your location?

I cant change my location... I live in Indiana and under the drop-down tab, it's showing that there are no local stores in my state. check the pic I attached to see what I'm seeing.

as far as Ebay... when I checked YESTERDAY I saw a posting that was selling them for $1.99 a piece with free shipping. I checked again today because I was gonna purchase them since your link wont work for me.... and I no longer see the $1.99 a piece listing. I see another one that is for $1.99, but THAT posting wants $3.50 for shipping.......... :-( I checked SOLD HISTORY and the posting I saw yesterday didn't sell (or at least I'm not seeing it under "Sold History") .... so I'm thinking the posting expired and I will have to wait for them to repost it. That, or buy the next cheapest ones on Ebay at $4.75 a piece for singles - in which case I would buy a set of 5 to get a slight discount on a bundle. (they have bundles of 5 for $19.99 - which is $4 a piece)


I'd rather wait for the $1.99 a piece/free shipping listing to come back...... I got a couple months to wait anyways lol. Either way, the Bygel containers are probably what I'ma go with because it's a really good idea and I really like the design on them. If I'm only buying 5, even at $4 a piece.... that's still okay with me [I guess] because I know I will like them and my chameleon will love me more for getting them. It will all work out in the end.


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Nice job! Your Pathos cup hangers are perfect. Can't get better than Dragonstrand cages and ledges, Bill builds the best!

A suggestion is to get some variegated pathos in some of the pots for some color.


you see where it says that tho? u see what I'm talking about? I'm sure you had to pay shipping too.... so if i get em at $2 a pop on Ebay then it's kinda like the same thing. maybe they are out of stock. I dont need them until March or April so I will check it again around that time. thanks.
Ikea has certain items that are only available in the store, and that they won't ship. That's probably what's going on. The $2 a piece isn't bad, especially if that includes shipping.
Wow! Awesome set up! Now I need to look into that stuff!...lol.. How often does spray and for how long?

I'm still tweaking the misting schedule, but right now I have it set to mist everyday at 8:00 AM for 30 seconds. On top of that, I have a handheld pressurized spray bottle that I use to water the individual planters 1-2 times per day and I run the rain nozzle by itself for 1-2 minutes every other day or so.
I'm still tweaking the misting schedule, but right now I have it set to mist everyday at 8:00 AM for 30 seconds. On top of that, I have a handheld pressurized spray bottle that I use to water the individual planters 1-2 times per day and I run the rain nozzle by itself for 1-2 minutes every other day or so.
So is mist king a very good sprayer. I have been looking at reviews and posts and I see good and bad for both the Monsoon and the ReptiRain, but haven't read too much on that one. Looking for a good reliable one. I am a new to Chams but have had plenty of other reptiles and animals so I wouldn't consider myself a total rookie..lol
So is mist king a very good sprayer. I have been looking at reviews and posts and I see good and bad for both the Monsoon and the ReptiRain, but haven't read too much on that one. Looking for a good reliable one. I am a new to Chams but have had plenty of other reptiles and animals so I wouldn't consider myself a total rookie..lol
Yes, Mistking is well worth the money, especially when compared to the other two choices you listed. Mistking is very reliable.
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