Eva ate outta my hand


Established Member
Ladies and gentlemen,
My lil Eva finally did it. She looked at me and my hand the cricket was moving. Her eyes said "NO", but her Tummy SAID"YES". I am so pumped i just thought i would let everyone know. I tried tweezers for a while but i think she like the tweezers more then me so i got rid of that and started with my hand and it work. Thanks every for the info and the awesome positiveness on here
That's so exciting! One of my little guys did the same thing the other day, it's nice to know they're starting to trust you after all the worrying, effort and love you put into keeping them. I'd love them just the same if they didn't hand feed though :)
That's so exciting! One of my little guys did the same thing the other day, it's nice to know they're starting to trust you after all the worrying, effort and love you put into keeping them. I'd love them just the same if they didn't hand feed though :)

Yes i would still love her if she didnt eat out of my hand but it is a great feeling.
Great news! It's exciting when the little guys show you trust! Soon you'll have to start a college fund for the little girl if you want her to make something of herself!! :D
Good job.fred started eating from my hand lately too.its a great feeling.until he missed and stuck to my hand:) I've been trying to put a worm up on my wrist or fore arm to entice him to walk out onto me but he just turns around and walks away.maybe with time
A break through, congrats!.....love it when they will trust you enough to eat out of the hand.
Yes indeed it was an exciting moment
Cool man!
Bowser is eating out of my hand and he is 11-12 weeks old!
Hell Yeah Bowser:D thats an awesome name
Great news! It's exciting when the little guys show you trust! Soon you'll have to start a college fund for the little girl if you want her to make something of herself!! :D

Oh no college:eek:. she can never leave me or go to school:p
It happened again and she ate 2 from my hand this time:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I was so excited. She really is coming along way.
ahh i wish mine would eat from my hand. ive tried multiple times but he will only eat them out of a cup and they gotta be squirmin like crazy!:confused: I only he could trust me a wee bit more then hopefully some more progress can be established
ahh i wish mine would eat from my hand. ive tried multiple times but he will only eat them out of a cup and they gotta be squirmin like crazy!:confused: I only he could trust me a wee bit more then hopefully some more progress can be established
Hayden it took over a month and a half of slowly starting you will get there and when you do you will want to yell FROM THE TOP OF A MOUNTAIN:D
Awesome! Glad to hear it, such milestones are worthy of celebration!

Yes Yes crocky after this happened my and her got so chameleon wasted:p
I am very surprised how fast they take to you once they eat of your hand. I had a cricket today get outta of my fingers and crawl on my hand so i was moving it around in her cage, and she sat there patiently and when she had the chance took it right of the back of my hand. she shows no stress when my hand is in her cage at all.
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