Hi everyone,
I decided to go ahead and attempt something that others have but have yet to find someone who has attempted the way I want to incorporate it into a chameleon cage....
Three notes before I start getting bashed or someone else tries to follow in these footsteps....
1) I am well aware of the risk involved and if needed will ditch the system in its entirly.
2) Water fall will not run 24 hours
3) This is very expensive... without the foam, silicone, and all the extras just to make the tank the way I want. I suspect the waterfall system I am designing with filtration will be around $300 - $500 excluding tank... This is just to get water into the tank out of tank and filtered.
I have done a little bit of video to start recording this and will be posting the videos here... I have hours and hours and hours of research into this along with talking to both people online and at the LFS(local fish store).
Anyways here is a little teaser:
I decided to go ahead and attempt something that others have but have yet to find someone who has attempted the way I want to incorporate it into a chameleon cage....
Three notes before I start getting bashed or someone else tries to follow in these footsteps....
1) I am well aware of the risk involved and if needed will ditch the system in its entirly.
2) Water fall will not run 24 hours
3) This is very expensive... without the foam, silicone, and all the extras just to make the tank the way I want. I suspect the waterfall system I am designing with filtration will be around $300 - $500 excluding tank... This is just to get water into the tank out of tank and filtered.
I have done a little bit of video to start recording this and will be posting the videos here... I have hours and hours and hours of research into this along with talking to both people online and at the LFS(local fish store).
Anyways here is a little teaser: