Extremely ill female Veiled Chameleon


New Member
I need urgent help. I have an approximately 10 month old female veild cham whom is not doing too well at all.

Her symtoms are as follows

-Very Lethargic
-Tongue hanging out
-Back end of body is very dark colored
-Eyes are usually closed unless handled
-Not pooping or eating

I owned two, same age prior to this (hatches from the same batch of eggs) and the other passed away due to the EXACT same problem, the vet didnt really help us at all. I would really rather not have to lose another one of my babies, I cant handle it again.

We have brought this one to a vet (not the same vet as her sister) already who stated she does not have eggs in her belly and just told us to keep her hydrated via syringe which we have been doing. I have also been giving her baths incase it was impaction which I'm starting to doubt as I havent had anything in the bottom of the cage for awhile that she could eat.

I live in London Ontario, and the vet we went to was named Dillards animal clinic. I have contacted one called Kings animal clinic, however they directed me to Dillards instead as the vet at was on a leave.

I would appreciate any help people can provide as fast as possible. I dont think she will be around much longer unless I take action asap

For the time being I will keep misting her and giving her water through a syringe and try to keep her warm.



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I would have to say that you have a dieing lizard on your hands and there is not much you can do at this point rather than keep it as comfortable as possible.
Can you fill out the how to ask for help questions (copy, paste, and answer in this thread) so we can review your husbandry?
im in mississauga, and i saw some reptile vets here in toronto/mississauga on the database link i saw floating around on this forum.

so sad..
Update: I forgot to mention she was extreamly "puffy" (this started when she couldnt move very well)

She has just a few minutes ago passed a very large stool about one and a half inches long and quite wide circumferance wise
Oh my goodness thats so sad :( Hows she doing now after passing the stool? Vet asap! Im taking my fisher's to the vet first thing tomrrow for some unusual skin abrasions and a fecal check. You should have kept the stool and taken it to the vet with you to get a fecal done on her for parasites. If she does pass again, put it in a cup and stick it in the fridge till you get her to the vet.
As sad as it is.... agreed :( But you never know. How come she wasn't taken to the vet sooner? Did she gradually end up like this or out of no where? She could have an intense impaction which can be fatal aswell
Nm i just seen u brought her to the vet. But do you mean you too her to the vet before since you've had her? Or since shes been showing sign of illness
man, thats terrible. if there isnt much you can do, and if the vets arent able to do much either, something heartbreaking can be done, but could also just put her away peacefully. it may sound coldhearted and gross, but it realy isnt if you think about it, on the other hand it could be almost impossible to do, but could be better than letting her suffer any more. You could put her comfortably in a dark box so she somewhat goes to sleep, and then place her in the refrigerator or freezer. it will make her dormant and she will gently pass away. man, i feel so bad for you and i'm sure we all wish we can do something better for you. just stay strong, you're in my prayers.
i remember i had a pygmy pretty much die in my hands, she was gravid too so when she died, i cut her open which was realy hard for me, just to get the eggs. turned out they were undeveloped and still only yolks. it sucked, but things happen. i'm sorry for your other lost as well man, do you have any idea what the cause of this was? egg bound seems to be the only thing coming to mind, but obviously could have been other issues. have your chameleons lived in the same cage together? it could have been high volume stress of some sort as well, or the next leading thing, an undetected parasite or internal infection?
This is very sad. If she's still hanging on, then Julirs' suggestion to complete the "how to ask for help" information should be followed. As she says, just copy the questions from the thread, post them and type in your information.

I find myself wondering what your temps are. I suspect everyone has a "thing" they'd like to know to help in offering advice. That info would help others help you.
I have seem pictures similar to that, it is often from taking a bad fall, severe impaction, or something similar. Unfortunately she is not in a good situation and things aren't looking too bright.

Keep her comfortable.
I have never seen anything like that :/
I really wish I could help.
Keep your head high and dont lose hope :)
Good luck!
Keep us updated!!
As sad as it is.... agreed :( But you never know. How come she wasn't taken to the vet sooner? Did she gradually end up like this or out of no where? She could have an intense impaction which can be fatal aswell

We took her to the vet a day after she started being lethargic or showing any signs of being sick. And as I said they pretty much had me pay money to let me know "their isnt much we can do for reptiles"
man, thats terrible. if there isnt much you can do, and if the vets arent able to do much either, something heartbreaking can be done, but could also just put her away peacefully. it may sound coldhearted and gross, but it realy isnt if you think about it, on the other hand it could be almost impossible to do, but could be better than letting her suffer any more. You could put her comfortably in a dark box so she somewhat goes to sleep, and then place her in the refrigerator or freezer. it will make her dormant and she will gently pass away. man, i feel so bad for you and i'm sure we all wish we can do something better for you. just stay strong, you're in my prayers.

I had todo that with her sister, Lily. I nearly vomitted trying to actually place her inside the freezer.

On another note, the stool just looked like a couple, not very digested crickets. No coconut fibre found from before I stopped using it, being cautious
I'm so sorry you are going through this, I agree with Miss Lilly if you have a vet euthanize it will be lot easier on you.

You said she was 10 months, has she laid eggs? How old was her sister when it happened to her?

I just find it a little peculiar that both sisters would have the same exact symptoms makes me wonder if it is/was caused by an abnormality in their development.

I know it's heart breaking but may be a necropsy will tell you more.
Do not freeze your reptiles to put them to sleep. I don't remember if it was their blood or something else that will freeze before they die.. but it is very painful.
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