New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Karma - Veiled - Young? No age given when bought, he is really small though. picture to come later.
Handling - Very rarely, only when cleaning.
Feeding - 3 small/medium crickets with 2 meal worms (or a mixture that usually equals around 5 of something) I usually dust the crickets with a calcium supplement that came in a case for them.
Supplements -Flukers Calcium supplement given to crickets, light dusting of meal worms.
Watering - Mist from a bottle twice a day, one morning one night. Also a humidifier I turn on and off through the day if the humidity drops below 60%(quite often since where I live is dry)I don't often see him drink, I do spray him directly occaisonally and he seems to open his mouth a bit and let the water roll from his face into his mouth...
Fecal Description - Brown fecal with a white/yellowish urine. He MAYBE went yesterday before the cleaning. I'm sure he was constipated a few days ago(huge poop3 days ago) then cleaned it last night and wasn't sure if I'd seen new ones or not.
History - No given history at the time of purchase. Not sure what is wrong with him.
Cage Info:
Cage Type -
Lighting -
Temperature - 80F in basking 60on floor. I have temp gauge in the enclosure.
Humidity - 75% ish. drops dramatically if I don't have the humidifer on.
Plants - Not at this time. I have plastic vines and a piece of driftwood from petsmart
Placement - Living room, near an intake vent. 2' off of flooring on a nightstand sort of thing so we can keep everything in one location(food, spray bottle, etc)
Location - Central Valley California
Current Problem - Both eyes shut while walking around feeling his way around. it must have just happened yesterday he looked fine Sunday. We took him out to clean his cage and noticed his eyes were closed and clumisly feeling his way around. I sprayed my finger tips with water and dripped it onto his eyes and he would rub his head against my wet fingers repeatidly, im guessing to try to get the irritant out or whatever is causing him to keep his eyes closed. I won't be able to get pictures of his eyes until I'm home(im at work) His eyes seem normal sized but constantly closed, until he starts rubbing them then they get a bit swollen. Going to be posting a picture of him when I can get it up on a website. It won't be of his eye just him as a whole on my wifes hand. Maybe someone could give me an age??
We bought him late november. Also any suggestions besides my issue is welcome.
We won't be able to take him to a vet until tomorrow when the reptile vet comes in (who works wed-sat?!?!?!) anyway....yea
Thanks in advance!
Your Chameleon - Karma - Veiled - Young? No age given when bought, he is really small though. picture to come later.
Handling - Very rarely, only when cleaning.
Feeding - 3 small/medium crickets with 2 meal worms (or a mixture that usually equals around 5 of something) I usually dust the crickets with a calcium supplement that came in a case for them.
Supplements -Flukers Calcium supplement given to crickets, light dusting of meal worms.
Watering - Mist from a bottle twice a day, one morning one night. Also a humidifier I turn on and off through the day if the humidity drops below 60%(quite often since where I live is dry)I don't often see him drink, I do spray him directly occaisonally and he seems to open his mouth a bit and let the water roll from his face into his mouth...
Fecal Description - Brown fecal with a white/yellowish urine. He MAYBE went yesterday before the cleaning. I'm sure he was constipated a few days ago(huge poop3 days ago) then cleaned it last night and wasn't sure if I'd seen new ones or not.
History - No given history at the time of purchase. Not sure what is wrong with him.
Cage Info:
Cage Type -
Lighting -
Temperature - 80F in basking 60on floor. I have temp gauge in the enclosure.
Humidity - 75% ish. drops dramatically if I don't have the humidifer on.
Plants - Not at this time. I have plastic vines and a piece of driftwood from petsmart
Placement - Living room, near an intake vent. 2' off of flooring on a nightstand sort of thing so we can keep everything in one location(food, spray bottle, etc)
Location - Central Valley California
Current Problem - Both eyes shut while walking around feeling his way around. it must have just happened yesterday he looked fine Sunday. We took him out to clean his cage and noticed his eyes were closed and clumisly feeling his way around. I sprayed my finger tips with water and dripped it onto his eyes and he would rub his head against my wet fingers repeatidly, im guessing to try to get the irritant out or whatever is causing him to keep his eyes closed. I won't be able to get pictures of his eyes until I'm home(im at work) His eyes seem normal sized but constantly closed, until he starts rubbing them then they get a bit swollen. Going to be posting a picture of him when I can get it up on a website. It won't be of his eye just him as a whole on my wifes hand. Maybe someone could give me an age??
We won't be able to take him to a vet until tomorrow when the reptile vet comes in (who works wed-sat?!?!?!) anyway....yea
Thanks in advance!