Eye issue/bleeding eye

No, definitely not Dru lol. I think I have Odin as my fb profile pic. Anyways, yes I read most of what was said in there.
Did the vet draw blood from that spot? He will have a black area (bruise) where it was drawn for a bit.
Yeah the humidifier I have doesnt do any of that it's literally mist -less ...i wish i would have kept my fogger ..kicking myself for that now. I brought him outside for free hours yesterday he seemed fine so intake no news as good news

That's ok, you still have the sides covered right? How much does it raise your humidity with it running?
That's ok, you still have the sides covered right? How much does it raise your humidity with it running?
So in the winter the humidity would drop to about 10% and when I used that it would raise it to around 20-30 at the most. So not too much but possibly enough?
Did the vet draw blood from that spot? He will have a black area (bruise) where it was drawn for a bit.
Not sure where they took it from I assume tail only 1 side is black and theres like a white tip on his tail almost looks lik stuck shed but wasnt there before ...I figured maybe it was normal but just wanted to be sure. At this point I'm freaked out about anything new occurring lol
Can you take a pic of what you have? Is it a small one like used for oils?
No not at all..its one ment for large room/house. See attached
I'm surprised it only raises it that little. Makes sense now as to why you're not seeing mist being an evaporative humidifier.
I'm surprised it only raises it that little. Makes sense now as to why you're not seeing mist being an evaporative humidifier.
I know. And I had it sitting next to his cage all winter. But my house does get super dry so I imagine in general with any type of humidifer it would be tough to keep it up
Blood tests came back all is normal and looks good.
My vet wants to sedate him and take a look in his mouth as she thinks he could have some fungal issue? I forget what exactly she called it but she said these fungas granuales can form in his belly or in his mouth or anywhere on him really. See attached report from blood tests


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All I can say is I'm surprised at you right now. You've been keeping chams for a looooong time and have been on this site a long time. You know damn good and well the info in the help form isn't to pinpoint one thing wrong. It's so everyone can look at overall husbandry to try get the cham back on track just as much as seeing pics of the cage is.

You really had me having a wtf moment in the other saying the cham was dehydrated due to tucked eyes without even having seen the urate which ended up being wrong. Now I'm not even sure what to think with these comments. I agree the poop situation will be related to the eye/ tongue problem but beyond that you've got me stoopified and I should probably go back to working on my plant boxes before I get to far off topic.

Listen dshuld you need to stop pulling apart the things I say word by word. All I'm saying is that there are a lot of noobie keepers that do nothing but ask for people to fill out the how to ask for help form. In many cases it's quite obvious that the problem a person is having with a chameleon cannot be figured out by pinpointing the things which might be wrong in their care - and often times the person's care is absolutely spotless. But then you get a few over posters who hound on things which yes, might be incorrect, but in no way would be the reason for the very critical thing wrong with the chameleon. What irritates me so much is that the keeper loses crucial time in figuring out what is really wrong by focusing on the things that responders are telling them to do - and all the responder knows is basic care that coincides with a spotless filled out how to ask for help form. Yes the things are worth clarifying and going through but to go so far off from figuring out what is actually wrong is just wasting precious time.

What if JannB was a noob and posted this thread with bleeding eye issues and filled out a how to ask for help form? She would fill it and everyone would see she doesn't use any supplements nor any UVB. Everyone, such as yourself would jump down her throat for that and say that must be the cause... THAT IS WHAT I'M SAYING.

Dshuld, you're extremely hostile in your responses to people which I have seen in many of your posts. All you do is ask people to fill out how to ask for help forms and when they don't fill it out within their next response you throw your toys and make it very known that you wont be helping them for not filling it out. And then once they have filled it out and everything seems fine you tag in other keepers that might actually have a valuable response to what might be wrong! I have plenty of wtf moments too. But yes let's not get off topic now. Thanks!

Any further issues PM me!
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Blood tests came back all is normal and looks good.
My vet wants to sedate him and take a look in his mouth as she thinks he could have some fungal issue? I forget what exactly she called it but she said these fungas granuales can form in his belly or in his mouth or anywhere on him really. See attached report from blood tests

Thank goodness the fecal test came back clear otherwise everyone would be using that for the reason for bleeding eyes!

I'm still thinking this could be some sort of viral or bacterial infection but a fungus could be possible. I think your vet is on the right track with attempting to figure out what might be wrong. But I think you can tell that the problem you're experiencing is not a common one at all. I'm interested to hear if the exact cause is ever identified.
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No it is not common that's for sure...live I've stated I've gone over husbandry a million times and nothing really pinpoints a cause as I'm doing much the same and most keepers do and none of them have any issues. ...I wonder if it is fungal if that is causing the bloody eyes? I know of its causing pain that would explain his eating issues ...at this point I really just hope to find out and correct it. Unfortunately finances right now and very tough so I'm not sure when I'll be able to sedate him and I dont want to put this off to long either
The notes on the complete cell analysis are interesting and the reason I ask for the help form to be filled out. I hope you can get the mouth swab done soon. Since it appears my posts have a hostile undertone allow me to make a gesture of good will. @Knucklehead1912 , if you are ok with it, pm me your address and I'll send a care package for Hades.

chamleonneeds, as requested here, there is a response to your pm.
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I dont think anyone is being hostile and I'm pretty sure everyone has good intentions. I'm willing to play around with different ideas but the fact of the matter is noone knows.

Additionally this is my post so please no arguing. I'd like to keep things open to the public here should anyone ever go through this expierence. I want the information to be available so other people can refer to it because it's been hell for me having NOTHING to go off of. I think everyone experiencing a problem or not could all benefit from this once we can figure it out.

So I thank the both of you for your support and suggestions but please understand this hasnt been a easy issue to fix. It's a mystery that had stumped some of the most knowledgeable people I know who have tons and tons of expierence...please let a just continue to work together to brain storm ALL POSSIBILITIES the only thing I care about is fixing my baby so his quality of life is not affected further.
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