Falling, Shaking, and Tongue issues.


New Member
Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon - Male Veiled that was a few weeks old when I got him 7 months ago.
• Handling - Recently only when he falls to the bottom of the cage.
• Feeding - Crickets, Waxworms, Mealworms, Superworms.
• Supplements - ReptiCalcium without D3 almost every feeding
Fluker's Calcium with D3 once every two weeks
RepCal Herptivite Multivitamin once every two weeks
• Watering - Misting system on timer, mists for 30s every 3 hours 4 times a day. Occasionally see him drinking off a nearby leaf, however since he has a hard time getting around I usually don't see it.
• Fecal Description - I haven't seen a poop in almost 2 weeks, and before that he pooped what appeared to be a solid chunk of white substance.

Cage Info:
• Cage Type - Aluminum screened cage, 18x18x36.
• Lighting - UVB lamp, and two basking lamps.
• Temperature - 85-90 at top and 70 at floor, measured by digital and analog thermometers.
• Humidity - 50-70% measured by analog hygrometers
• Placement - My room in between a vent and a window to the garage. Top of the cage is one foot below ceiling.
• Location - Northern Virginia.

Current Problem - He has a hard time supporting his own weight when walking, so he generally hangs from the underside of branches. When he does try to lift himself up he tends to shake violently and sometimes falls. At the moment he is grabbing his arm with his leg and trying to reach the vine with that arm, restricting his movement. Somehow he does not realize this and usually ends up letting go with another foot and falls. He hasn't eaten anything offered to him in at least the last week, however he has tried. He has a problem with grabbing the insects with his tongue, sometimes he misses and sometimes he just can't "catch" the bugs. He also has what appears to double elbows(MBD?), and by this I mean instead of two parallel bones in his forearms, they kind of form a triangle (so to speak)

Can anyone help me, or give any suggestions as to what to do?

Why do my chameleons appear to have belly buttons?)
Despite what has been listed under your current care..

One of two things (or both) has happened.

1. Improper Calcium intake.
Not giving calcium regularly, not giving it at all, i cant think of any other reason.

2. Improper uvb levels. In your care you just stated uvb bulb...what kind and type is it?
Your bulb could be old, lack of ways to get within proper distance to the bulb, plastic or glass between the bulb and chameleon, defective bulb, no uvb bulb.

take your chameleon to the vet.

if thats not an option buy some liquid calcium asap and start giving it to him ASAP. Also make sure your uvb bulb is in good working order.

Need pictures to confirm...

If his tongue is not sticking to insects. he may be dehydrated..
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Unfortunately the vets/animal hospitals around me are closed at this time and tomorrow, but I will take him on monday. :/

I also forgot to mention that when I got him I knew nothing about chameleons and made the mistake of not supplementing him with anything for the first few months. I couldn't possibly feel worse for giving him improper treatment.
It happens...Hopefully you have a good vet around you to take him to.

if you have any other questions you found the best place to get answers..

keep us updated!

btw- Welcome to the forums.
Pictures of him


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He doesnt have any apparent deformities which is strange.

Id bump up your mistings. His caque looks a little thin.
I've considered this, and I'm not sure whether I should mist for longer or mist more often. Any suggestions?
I'm not super familiar with veiled but his cask looked a little thin to me too...otherwise he actually looks relatively healthy.

I'd agree with ataraxia that what you describe SOUNDS like improper calcium intake / MBD...might want to take a few more pics and post just incase, but from the few you posted he didn't look bad
I just took these, he's starting to shed around the mouth. Also, he sometimes exhales short bursts through his nostrils, something like a cough I guess(sounds like shooo). Does anyone know what this is caused by?


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Hydrate him as much as you can. Spray him as often as you can today and then get him to a vet as soon as possible. He could be attempting to rid himself of salt build up in his nose where it accumulates or he could have a respiratory infection. And he doesn't look like he has MBD, but I wouldn't make that a final statement without a vet examining him.

Good luck.
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