Faly sick HELP.

Go to another vet. This one sounds like crap, honestly. You said you gave him like 2 supers? I'll bet you my left kidney that he's no impacted on just two superworms. Did they take x-rays? And they are planning on robbing you blind! Charlotte stayed at the vet a full 3 days during her tongue amputation and my vet bill after all that was $250. Daedalus got his tail amputated and spent the weekend and my bill was $190.
this is alittle long, id recommend cutting it down to 5-10mins 1-2 times a week:)

what is too long the handling time?? that would NOT cause this

dan what vet did you end up seeing, my guy is very reasonable and not too far from bolton or TO about 30 min from either
honestly your being robbed blind. If tht is from the emergency hospital I can see it because those places suck up all your money but if it's just from the other vet then i'd say take him home and give him a little mineral oil and a nice warm soaking and wait.
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man, i'm really sorry for your loss. wow! $1500 is a lot. if there are other good reptile vets, i'd look around.
if hes impacted he shoudl survive with proper treatment.
that is al crap.... and no pun intended.

give him some mineral oil to ge thim going, and get some baytril for an RI..

and dont go back to that vet, way to much money!
From now on if you're in T.O. go here:


The vets are very good with chameleons and the prices are fair. Emergency vets in Toronto are insanely expensive. Our dog broke her leg and it cost almost 2000 at the local emergency clinic. Lucky for us there is such a thing as pet insurance.
it wasnt 2 super worms it was more like 4-5. They did the flush now and they are saying that they were wrong, and its not resperatory infection, its alitte too late to switch vets now, im like beyond broke, credit card maxed out and i have 5 bucks on debit left. they are bringing back a blood test and thats all i can do, my old vet was closed so i found this place on a website saying it was good for reptiles, so much for that
Still, 4-5 would not have caused an impaction. My Daedalus gets that many once a week and he's getting close to 2 years old. If they did, it means that there is something else going on that is not letting him digest anything. Did they take an x-ray to actually see his insides?

I'm sorry that they're robbing you blind, I really am. Let us know how he does though. Hopefully at least they can get him better.
they said they dont think he will make it. I saw his X ray, they said they saw a form, that looks like it could be impaction, they are just getting a blood test back so i can figure out if i did anything wrong
ok i dont know of him , i really hope all works out foe u and Blue.
my vet is very reasonable with me so if you need other options let me know
wow I just seen this post I am so sorry for your loss of your little ones. I hope that blue pulls threw for you. I have had to make a few trips to the vet here in Ontario and my bill was always around 200 no matter the situation. When my fawn passed last week from egg binding we had to take her to our vets after hours clinic and it was 180 for the whole visit. including meds. so I would find another vet for next time. (hopefully their wont be next time) I know you are already into it with this vet. I really hope he pulls threw :(
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