Fecal Float Pictures

Not going to lurk on this thread since it's so great...thanks pigglett79!

The discussion and pictures are really helpful. Also ferretinmyshoes thanks for being the balancing voice of reason! We are lucky to have you here on the forums!
This is why I want a microscope ;)

Is it possible to learn what the parasites look like and do your own fecal? I am young, but honestly, I would probably spend HOURS just looking at cham poop if I knew how to do these.

Please tell me I can get one of these microscopes myself someday? lol

EDIT: ONLY 10X? I could easily save for a microscope with 400x... spend all day looking at hair, cheek cells, and cham crap... lol

need to get methylene blue too :)

edit 2: this is giardia? we have this? ew...


You should totally get a microscope. I got mine on amazon.



The tricky part is the camera. The first one I got was a cheap one and it was horrible. I finally got the one made for the microscope and its awesome.

I would say if you know what you are looking for you can do fecal tests on your own, and then confirm with a lab if you need to. Although the fecal floats we do will likely not show you giardia or other harder to find parasites. Those typically require special testing. I did also get a gram stain kit though, so fun will soon ensue with that as well.
Sweet lord that's a discount. I could totally save up for something like that, even ask for some money on the holidays (perks of being young)...

And 2000x is a lot more than I've ever used...

I know full well how to use a microscope, but never had to look at anything besides like... onions and hair. :(

I want some slides, methylene blue, THAT microscope, hmmm...

What have chameleons done to me?
Not going to lurk on this thread since it's so great...thanks pigglett79!

The discussion and pictures are really helpful. Also ferretinmyshoes thanks for being the balancing voice of reason! We are lucky to have you here on the forums!

And for that I give you tonight's pictures.

Pin worm ova 4x


Pin worm ova 10x


pin worm ova 40x


Coccidia 40x


Some cool thing I found 40x


And as you may notice, there is a piece of lint or something somewhere on the microscope and it is driving me nuts. Cant find it!
Piglett I wish you were my neighbor. I'd come hang out and do crap floats and gram stains with you all day. Lol
I just saved all those pics into a parasite reference folder... folder inside that for giardia, pinworms, coccidia, etc...

Piglett, I have overnighted some poop to you via FedEx. Please stay home and wait for the delivery. I'm gonna need the results by 5:00 pm tomorrow. (joking!)

Thanks for sharing - this has been really educational. Have you found that about 40x is a good level of magnification for this type of test? I'm willing to drop about $150 on a microscope if I can get away with a max 1000x power.

I rather like this one with the USB connection:
Calm down??? FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! LOL j/k

This is just one of the many reasons to own a microscope and supplies to do your own floats.

Pig: What did the vet say?
HOW DID YOU TAKE THESE PHOTOS?!?!?! That is amazing!!! But yea, total B.S., I hope you let your vet know about your finds vs. theirs.
I'm partial to the USB one, too. It's less money and connects right to the computer, no need for a camera, I think?
I started with a cheap $35 USB camera and it was aweful and pretty much useless. I returned it and got the one made for the microscope. It is also hooked to the computer via USB.

This works so wonderful and the software is really good.

We will repeat Montys fecal as samples have been inconsistent. The fecal he left yesterday was unexciting and I found nothing. That was after he finished his medication.

40x seems to be plenty for doing fecal floats.
I found a standard 10x microscope with 40x 100x 400x magnifications for less than I would pay for two fecal exams. I think this would be a wonderful investment that would save me time and money in the long run! I just hope I can talk my wife into it!
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