Feces dont look solid enough..


Avid Member
Hey guys my girl's feces dont look solid like they did before here is a pic is there anything i need to worry about?

The changes in her meals are that I started to give her silkworms..



If nothing has changed with his environment and foods and this continues then there's always a possibility of parasites... If you want, bring me a sample and we can do a fecal smear/float and see if we can spot anything abnormal :). I'm off work this whole week :D.
I'm guessing it's the silkworms.
You tend to see a lot more moisture in their feces and urates when feeding these.


Ditto on the silkworms causing the change. If you don't like the poop change you can slowly cut back on them and see what the tipping point is. I've done that with a couple of my males. Some can only handle one big silkworm, some two and some could eat ten and not have an issue.
There's really nothing wrong with wet excrement.
To me it shows they are well hydrated and can afford to spare the moisture.

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