Feed directly??


New Member
Sooooo I was gut loading my crickets today and I always have Kaleos cage open so he can get used to me and I was kneeling in front of the cage to feed the crickets and I left some chopped up squash on the table his cage sits on...(I hopnoe squash is okay to gut load with) I was putting the celery and romaine bits in the keeper not watching Kaleo, he crawled down from inside his cage and started nomming on the squash bits!! I looked and he was eating it all :0
This guy I know fed his cham mango bits directly as a baby and Kaleo was crazy for the yellow squash I hope its okay that he did that >.>
I hand fed my little veiled cham a blueberry a few days ago and he ate it.
Kinda surprised me.
I actually have some yellow squash in my cricket salad, I will try it ;)
I feed my male veiled little bits of butternut squash for vit A (my least often direct feed) I feed lots of romain lettuce, strawberries, blue berries, cucumber, yellow squash, sweet potato. He likes that more than the crickets i think!
There are sooooo many fruits and veggies that you should be offering your cham. Any of the fruits and veggies that is good for gutloading your bugs would be good to offer right to your cham.

Find sandrachameleon here on the forum and read through her info and blogs on nutritional foods. There are also other safe plants that they might like to eat and you can find that info here on the forum too. (sorry I can't put links and stuff to make it easier for you but I have a migraine right now)
lol he was like tired of waiting and said fine i will get it myself! love independent pets!

My old iguana Sasha loved squash, heck my brothers pacu loves squash and oddly broccelli stems... go figure!

*btw thats a 120gal tank he is in, time for a upgrade AGAIN!*


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