Feeder / breeder set up

Hi guys. Good to see your setups. Some back ground information. I only breed crickets for my cham the rest is for my anoles. The other food of my cham i dk not breed yet but i buy it. Im planning though on breeding them so seeing the way you do stuff.

Cricket bin.
Cricket laying ground
Cricket hatchlings box
Isopod box. Just a big icecream box with soil bark and food.
I moved everything from the shelve to make pictures. Cricket bin interior collapsed. Looks messy i know. Luckily i keep insects that dont give a shit about nice and clean habitats
I also brees mealworms for my anoles. Forgot to take pics.

Btw people that have other lizards besides chams. Try breeding isopods. They dont need additional heating if they live outside your house.( i guess) and they breed rapidly. I just put 60 in a icecream box with some carrot apple and potato. Bark and soil. And keep stuff moist. Thats all.
They burrow into soil. I think that is what he is getting at.

The other roaches dont need soil, GB do.

Ahh.... true this. Why have three types of roaches then? I wouldn't even mess with that third kind. Two different roaches, plus supers and crickets and hornworms and butterworms and wax worms and flies and so on and so forth.... why bother with a feeder that complicates things?
Its not too bad. I spend a little time down there every night, about 30min. Then I do my big clean on Saturdays, maybe an hour, hour and a half tops.. My kids love the bugs so they enjoy helping dad feed and clean them.
Thats good to hear,and I know u do gutload ur feeder for ur chameleon benefits.
Ahh.... true this. Why have three types of roaches then? I wouldn't even mess with that third kind. Two different roaches, plus supers and crickets and hornworms and butterworms and wax worms and flies and so on and so forth.... why bother with a feeder that complicates things?

I think they are a good treat, chams like the bright green from what I have read. However ya I agree, and wouldn't really count 3 different kinds of roaches differently in variety a roach is a roach.
So I found a great idea just now and had to post it here.

Do you suck with hot glue like me? tired of having hot glue messes of screen showing in your vents? Cant make a square for the life of you?

Well fear no more I found a super easy super pro looking answer.


These vents come in a ton of sizes, from 1inches to 4inches, are made from aluminium and have flaps. So you drill your hole with a hole saw pop the vent in and fold over the flaps done.

I am thinking this would work for feeder cups as well. And its aluminium screen so bugs cant chew through I dont think it gets much better, I would say they could be cheaper but they are already cheap :).


I am not seeing a hole size for the screen, but the picture is a 1 inch vent and there is 29 holes. so I am going out on a limb and saying 1/32 so plenty small to keep your bugs in and spiders out :).

That is assuming the pic is actually the 1 inch. However they do also sell ones that claim to have 1/8 inch holes in the screen which is much larger holes. So I would say at least 1/16.

Its going to be a few months till my bug room is ready, but once it is I will be buying a hole bunch of these to replace my tubs with more pro looking setups :).
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